
Who do you want as president?

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Obama or John?




  1. Somebody, anybody who will attack our corrupt bloated out of control government.

    I'd vote Ron Paul in a heartbeat.

    But given her track record, I'll roll the dice with a ticket with Sarah Palin on it.

  2. Barack Obama.

    Are you like going on a first name basis with McCain?;


  3. Obama, so what's your point?

  4. Bob.  Would have supported Paul, but he was beaten out by Mike and Romney.

  5. No BaRack, No way..

  6. Charles Jay

  7. Considering the real options, Mc Cain.

    What's an Obama???

  8. Ron Paul

  9. Obama

    No more rich, greedy people in the White House!

  10. Me!  

    I know how I want things done in Washington.  Give me that chance!

  11. Sarah.  Of course, someone will have to explain to her that "Georgia" in the news isn't about the South...

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