
Who do you want for president of the US of 08?

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Who do you want for president of the US of 08?




  1. i want someone who can get us out of our predicament at the time. i would vote obama.

  2. John McCain

  3. Barak Obama. I was with hilarry but she droppped out so i threw my support to Obama.

  4. Currently John McCain unless someone else looks stronger and is more independent.

  5. Me.

  6. None of the above. Maybe I'll vote for Bill Barr '08 Libertarian. He will build the fence and kick out the illegals. Both Obama and McCain are going to give them amnesty.

  7. Anyone but McCain and his never ending war in the Middle East, realistically, that means Obama.  It has become a sad fact that elections these days have become a case of choosing the least bad rather the best.

  8. none of them r4eally. obama is, well,...ya no. mc cain is an old wrinkly sick and dying old man. Hilary is a clinton!ewwwww

  9. def McCain............ no obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Quite frankly, the candidates suck this year. Where is President Reagan when you need him?

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