
Who do you want?

by  |  earlier

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to trust with your future?

1) A young vibrant, inteligent, charming, ect, ect, ect,

50% white, 50% black uniter of nations Christian.


2) More of the McSame old f**t, living in the past, stuck in his ways warmongering radical senior citizen gone wild!




  1. Let's see.. the choice is between

    I think I'll take the old guy.. since the young guy has no idea what he's doing or even what he stands for.  The fact that he's a racist who thinks middle America holds on to it's beliefs only because it's "bitter" are a couple other reason no sane person should support him.

  2. I only trust myself.

  3. So the choice is between Obama and John McCain, and it's obvious which person you've gone for.

    That is a false interpretation of McCain, and is clearly an unfair question.

    Have respect for both sides!

    I'm a McCain supporter, but have the greatest respect for Obama, and like McCain have condemned things like the New Yorker cover. He has shown respect for your point of view. So show respect for his point of view. Your an immature, childish, horrible person and your bias question should be thumbed down or even reported.

    You know what, i'll revise the question for everyone else,

    1) A young vibrant, inteligent, charming, ect, ect, ect,

    50% white, 50% black, uniter of nations Christian.


    2) A wise, experienced, charming chap, with a wealth of political experience, a man living in the future with a plan to tackle climate change. An American War hero, who has shown his loyalty and gone through so much sacrifice, and regards another war hero, General Petreaus very highly.

    Now, i've said the best qaulities of both sides. Have i not?

  4. To put every body and any body to there place. That is what I want.

  5. Based on the "Church" Obama was attending I'll take the old f**t.

  6. Bozo the clown. At least he dresses the part

  7. Neither.  Bob Barr.  Can you guys please answer this one (especially the obama supporters):   I either get an anti-McCain or anti-Obama answer.

  8. Number 1 !!!

    Obama !!!!

  9. Wow, the bigotry pouring out of you is astounding.  I would be embarrassed to show this side of myself to people if I were in your shoes.  Not once in your entire post did you discuss their policies and how they may positively or negatively effect this country.  You do realize this isn't a popularity contest or shouldn't be, right?

    To answer your question, I consider neither of these people qualified to lead our nation and that is why my vote will be going to Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party.

  10. I have never felt fear for this country until the Li'l Bush Zero got into the White House.  I had no idea that anybody could be that crooked.  

    Neo-Cons hate America - and their allegiance goes to the Super Rich who are international now - they aren't Americans anymore.  Their money is in all world currencies now - not dollars.  Their business is to strip this country of it's natural resources and that's about it.

    These Neo-Con creatures are backed up by legions of toothless right wingers who live in trailers and love to be tickled with Jesus words and meaningless tough talk from their republican masters.

    Anyway, it will be great to have a man who can think and plan and actually do something besides mouth the most disgusting lies like Neo-Cons do.  

    GoBama!  Kick Some Butt!
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