
Who do you want to be president of the U.S? and Why?

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Who do you want to be president of the U.S? and Why?




  1. John McCain !  His wife is prettier?

  2. Ron Paul.

    He has never voted to raise taxes.

    He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

    He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

    He has never voted to raise congressional pay.

    He has never taken a government-paid junket.

    He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

    He voted against the Patriot Act.

    He voted against regulating the Internet.

    He voted against the Iraq war.

    He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.

    He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

    He's won the award for "Taxpayer's Best Friend" 6 times, a record in Congress.

    He wants to end the war and bring the troops home.  We can't afford it any longer any way.

    He wants to return the power of printing our money back to Congress, and away from the Federal Reserve which is NOT a federal dept, but a privately-owned system of banks.  The Federal Reserve is the reason why our dollar is so worthless.

    He wants to reduce the size of government to the point that we can get rid of the unconstitutional income tax.  Imagine not having to pay income taxes any longer.  We'd still have the same amount of federal revenue from other taxes to have the same size budget as we did in the late 1990's.  (I personally think the gov was spending more than enough back then.)

  3. I'm very unsure at this moment, any canadate running for President can basically tell u everything u want to hear to gain ur vote but when in the White House promises seem to b broken.

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