
Who do you want to go home on "Big Brother 10"?

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April or Jerry? She's easier to look at.




  1. Personally i would love to see jerry go, but April is really competitive and if she doesn't leave now then she could be a big threat in the end.  

  2. April seems to be the bigger threat. Though I don't like Jerry very much either, I would much rather see April go, especially since she's made some bad comments.

  3. You know what I hope in the future.

    That there would be a double eviction so that both

    April and Jerry would both leave the Big Brother House

  4. I agree with Mystery Man, it would be great to see a double elimination.  As much as I would like to see Jerry go home because of his behavior and mouth, I think getting rid of April now is a smart move.

  5. Jerry! Not only is he racist, he has a very crappy attitude. I`m sick of watching him disrespect some of the ladies. April is playing a good game.

  6. April, she is mean and control

    They can get Jerry out later, you have to break Ollie and April up

    It would be dumb to keep such a strong player

  7. Jerry He's Racist

  8. April. She get son my nerves. At elast Jerry is funny when he gets all mad!

  9. april need to go home.

    yes we all now she's a great compeditor & mostly likely be the top 2. but there's just something about her that i dont' want her to win.

    keeesha all the wayy!!

  10. From a game play standpoint, the house guests would be wise to vote April out.  She's highly competitive and playing a good game, and has a tight bond with Ollie (who by the way has been flying under the radar from day one and riding April's coat tail).  I was wondering when someone would recognize this,call him out, and break the April/Ollie alliance.  Kudos to Rennie for being smart!

    Based on personal behavior, I would love to see Jerry go home.  For a 75 year old married man, his disrepect of some of the women in the house has been totally vulgar and sickening.  He struts around the house as though others in the house should fear him and can see nothing wrong with his behavior.  I wonder what words he will have for his wife to explain his grabbing onto women's body parts.  He had the nerve to refer to Memphis as a womanizer.  That's a title he can wear.  His family should be embarassed.

  11. I want Jerry to go.  The heck with game play...I'm sick of him and the way he struts around.  He can stuff his sense of honor up his bucket for all I care.

  12. i think both. april is a little bezzy but jerry is such a hipocrit!

    i could rant for hours about both. but did anyone else think it was hilarious when april said something about keesha being jealous of her. then ollie asked her why. and april was like because im prettier than her!!! ollies look was priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I want APRIL out of there! They can get Jerry out next week.

    Another 1 that is really getting on my nerves is Michelle.I don't know why she thinks its cute to talk like a baby but it is like hearing fingernails going across a chaulk board.STOP that MICHELLE!! She needs to go soon too.

    I ♥ Big Brother!

  14. The klingon April of course.  You might catch her STDs if you stare at her enough.

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