
Who do you want to lead your NBA team: Kobe Bryant or Chris Paul?

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Who do you want to lead your NBA team: Kobe Bryant or Chris Paul?




  1. Chris Paul. he's the best PG in the league on both ends of the floor. he was one game away from the conference finals before Jannero Pargo thought he was CP3, blew the game for them.

    Kobe blew it in the finals with a stacked team. I'm not knocking the guy, he's ridiculously talented. but they should have won more than two games.

  2. CP3 for MVP!!!!!

  3. This is an easy 2 points,, Kobe bryant,, Duh,, he has proven he can take his team far,, he passes the ball entirly to much when he was being a team player, everytime he passed it they would turn it over or miss the shot,, sometime you gotta take into your own hands, how you think they made it to the finals, it sure wasnt because of the other players they help a little played their little part that was enough

  4. i love kobe but i would personally want cp3 he will alwayz find sum1 2 score besides himself

  5. Chris Paul.  I would never ever want Kobe on Celtics.  Chris Paul did a wonderful job leading the Hornets all the way to the WC Final.  Kobe couldn't lead the Lakers and was on his way out of the playoff picture until they brought in Gasol.

    If this was a vote on here, CP3 would have won by looking at the number of people prefering CP3.  LOL@ Kobe jockers.

  6. KB24 now CP3 in bout 3 or 4 yrs

  7. depends, wat kind of team do i have? if i have a team that can shoot and run then cp3. if i have a team that cant really shoot and are more defensive then kobe.

  8. cp3 kobe is kinda of a hog

  9. Chris Paul

  10. haha.  This guy that answered above said Lakers blew it with a stacked team!!!! Celtics had the biggest stacked team you idiot!!!!! As of right now, I would want to build around CP3 but a few years ago I would have picked Kobe.

  11. Kobe Bryant.  Considering he is the best basketabll player in the league.  I will agree that at sometime during a game he goes into "Kobe" mode in which he shoots alot, but he is a proven winner, a proven scorer, and the best in the NBA by far.  Chris Paul hasnt proven anything quite yet, give him about 4 or 5 years and maybe we can talk about him.

  12. CP3-Younger, faster, more pass first and makes his team-mates better. I never even heard of Chandler or West b4 Paul came along

    Kobe- Can take over a game but when he does, there is no one on the court that will get the ball. Drove Shaq ot of L.A

  13. Chris Paul, I want ball movement and unselfish play plus he is younger

    EDIT: For the Huge Laker Fan girl.

    How has Kobe proved he can take a team far when he had Gasol and Odom this year and the past years he couldnt take them anywhere besides a 6-7 seed and a 1st round playoff exit.

    Since Chris Paul came to NO he pretty much made Chandler and West into All-Stars.

  14. chris paul because he is a playmaker. kobe is a one man show. Paul works as a team.

  15. i would rather take chris paul....i need a good pg with unselfish skills and with great passing abilities

  16. Kobe is a ball hog but Chris Paul is less experienced in the game; not sure who would be a better leader.

  17. I would have Bryant.

    Though Chris Paul is younger and less selfish with the team he is currently with

    i would rather have a person that can handle that pressure of double teams and score when he needs to and pass when he is out manned

    plus kobe is better in closing situation on average

  18. Of course cp3 kobe chokes

  19. kobe, he has the more experince paul is a good player, one day he'll be a great one and a great leader just not now only his second season.

  20. Kobe of course. Chris Paul is just now gettin experience as a leader. Kobe been a leader more than 5 years

  21. Chris Paul. He will let his other teammates score. And when they make error he doesnt get mad, he encourages them.

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