
Who do you want to win Snooker?

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Ronnie O'sullivan or Carter I want Ronnie to win!




  1. Ali Carter only because he is a member of my snooker club!

  2. I think one day Ronnie will end up like Alex Higgins the snooker gift won t last forever.

    Look what hap paned when he walked out a few years ago.

    But l like to see him do well the hard way. Not by everybody feeling sympathy for him.

  3. Always the Rocket Ronnie

  4. O'Sulllivan of course :o)

    He's a genious and a true character unafraid of saying what he thinks.

  5. Go on Ronnie!

  6. The rocket of course! Go on my son!

  7. Ronnie

  8. I'm tempted to say Carter because I love to see the underdog doing well. But I'll go with Ronnie, because he can be breath-taking when he's in full flow.

  9. Ronnie of course but i like Ali so if he wins i won't mind! Just glad Shaun 'Doughboy' Murphy was knocked out early on, cannot bear that fat c**t.

  10. id like to see carter win

  11. Carter all the way.

    It would be nice if the underdog won for a change.

  12. i would like to see the under dog carter to win. ronnies already won 100,ooo£ for his 147

  13. Ronnie O'Sullivan....

  14. Ronnie!!!hes a legend..

  15. Wld be nice to see Carter win.

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