
Who do you want to win barack obama or mcain?

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Who do you want to win barack obama or mcain?




  1. Obama. I need health care. McCain wants to eliminate health care for the sick and ask the states to do something about it.  

  2. Neither , But definitely not Obama, what a mess that'd be

  3. McCain.

    I'm tired of the socialist policies of my party, and the abandonment of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and equality that my party once stood for and I still do.


  4. in my opinion both are big liars. in fact all the politicians who run for presidency are liars. they always look for ways to control the people.they lie to people so that they can be chosen.  

  5. Obama. If McCain wins I'm moving to Mexico... gas is cheaper there anyways.

  6. I want Obama to win. His speeches are so inspiring. And now that McCain has chosen Sarah Palin as his VP, I really would not vote for McCain. Go Obama!! Yay!!  

  7. If I am for good, then Obama.  If I am for bad, then McCain.  Since I am for good I will vote for Obama.

  8. I'm voting for McCain.

    The media is only covering Obama. They are supposed to be unbiased! They are brainwashing the American people and taking away our freedom of choice by forcing Obama down our throats.

    If you don't believe me, look around. How many ads do you see for Obama? Now look and try to find any for McCain.

    Or the next time you watch TV or listen to the radio. Count how many times they say Obama and how many times they say McCain.

    Last time I did. I counted 23 for Obama and 2 for McCain in a 10 minute time frame!


  9. obama i we dont need another white president like bush he dont like black people

  10. McCain.  I dont trust Obama.

  11. Obama. He will be the best to help w/ natinal climate change. Also, I don't want McCain to die of old age or heart failure and have Sarah Palin as our president

  12. McCain

    Obama is a great orator but the truth is that all.  I like to know a little more about a candidate than smooth speeches and socialist platitudes.  My question is who is going to pay for all these programs-he is talking about- probably our middle class butts ,I already give up an enormous portion of my dough to taxes to fund government programs.  Enough already with the hand outs people!. Everybody wants stuff for free, that includes big corps and big pharma.  Big pharma which by the way has awarded Obama with the biggest donation out of all the candidates.

    At least I know that McCain is no wuss and can answer any totalitarian two bit leader who threatens our country.

  13. I love America cause I dont have to  be forced to believe in Christian Principles

    . -Now this nut SAra Plain is going to fight to take my rights away and drill drilll drill.

    ***** that

  14. Obama... Well I Dun Really Care I'm In Australia

  15. Obama if he doesn't win America is screwed

  16. Obama.

  17. Well i'm from New Zealand but i'm hoping for Obama

  18. Let me just put it this way...

    bush's choices for our country weren't the best for the economy or for keeping it safer. McCain wants to do the same as Bush and we don't want it to get worse, now do we? I say Obama will be perfect because he will make history in the USA and make some changes that will be needed


  19. Obama, I don't agree with a majority of his principles but I do really like him as a person, and he is promising to end the completely ridiculous war in Iraq. That's all that matters to me right now. We are throwing away trillions of dollars every year on that witch hunt.

  20. Honestly, neither.

    They do not fill me with hope, only dread

  21. I'm not an American, but Obama seems to be the better choice. He is seemingly humanistic when it comes to decisions. I hope people don't vote for him just because he is, as some say, noir on the outside. I hope Americans are over that, but he seems to stand out because of this, making him attractive to many. Anyone is better than George. He is just so tragic. I hope Americans realise that war is not the answer, and sharing is caring.  

  22. Obama. as dodgy as he is, i'd take the risk on different ideas over same old S**t.

  23. obama!! bush has messed america up why have Mccain come in and mess it up more?

  24. I don't know yet. Obama's views are a little to liberal for me. McCain is at least conservative with a little liberal in him. I also like McCain's VP pick. It shows a side of him that I really like. I agree with his views on abortion, gun control etc. I just don't believe in this war in Iraq. I dislike the war so much I might vote for Obama.  

  25. Mccain is our man! If Obama gets in office we are screwed..Pray that he doesn't get into office because things won't change for the better..He believes in war and as long as the war is going on our economy is going to the toilet.  Please do not vote for Obama because you'll be sorry that you did..Listen to everything he says...You'll change your mind.

  26. I was voting McCain until he selected Palin.  Not now.  He blew it.  She is ill prepared to hold her own in Washington or abroad.

  27. obama, everyone knows we do not need another republican

  28. NEITHER. It's like asking do you want Obama or McCain to molest your children. My answer - NEITHER one. I'm not about to pick between two incompetents because that's all we're forced from each party to chose from. I'll write in  my name on the ballot so I can sleep at night knowing I'm not contributing to the bad world we live in.

  29. I am rich so I want McCain to win so I can keep paying almost no taxes while the saps in the middle class get soaked.  Why should I have to pay anything?  I'm rich, thats why I always vote Republican.  Go GOP!!!

  30. Obama: his wife is a good enough reason to vote for him alone. She stands very firm behind him & is his backbone. If he starts to make off the wall decisions for America she can be that slap on the back of his head to get it together.

  31. Obama plz.


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