
Who do you want to win the Wimbledon Ladies Final, Venus or Serena Williams, and why?

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Do you think it will be a good competitive match?




  1. Neither.  Wish both could lose.

    Bound to be a boring match.

  2. Venus

    Better grasscourt player

    Best serve in women's circuit

  3. I think this will be the most competitive match between them.  I think Serenas' serve is on fire the entire tournament and that is her advantage.  Venus serve is the best but she can become nervous and then it goes off.  Serena will win in three.  It will be very competitive this time.  Both haven't played in 5 years and they have matured a lot since then.

  4. A forecast through "Sarvatobhadra-chakra" technique:

    Venus and Serena Williams, the two sisters would be playing Wimbledon today (5th July 2008, Saturday) at London (BST 14:00 hrs). I am trying to forecast the name of possible winner through "Sarvatobhadra-chakra" technique.

    Serena Williams

    There is no Vedha to Varna "Sa" and it's Swara "Aey".  Varna-Tithi "14" ("Rikta") is getting malefic vedhas from Rahu (0 pada);  Ketu (3-pada) and malefic Moon (3-pada). Akshara's nakshatra (Poorvabhadrapad) is not getting any kind of Vedha.  Rasi "Kumbha" is receiving malefic vedhas from  Rahu (0 pada);  Ketu (3-pada) and malefic Moon (3-pada).

    Net result:  -2.28

    Venus Williams

    Varna "Va" is getting Sun's vedha (0-pada),  Swara "Aa" not receiving any vedha;  Varna-tithi "11" ("Nanda") getting vedhas from Rahu (2- pada);  Ketu (0-pada) and malefic Moon (0-pada). Akshara's nakshatra (Rohini-2) is not getting any kind of Vedha.  Rasi "Vrash" (Taurus) also not getting any kind of vedha.

    Net result:  -0.20

    As the malefic vedha quantum is much more for Serena, it seems that Venus would be the  Wimbledon champion today.

    Shyam S. Kansal

  5. I am hoping Venus wins. Its time Venus beat her sister for a change in a grand slam final

  6. Toss a coin.. lol they are both pretty equally matched.

    Venus and Serena have both won Wimbledon in the past, so it should be close. Venus won most recentley so she probably has a better chance.

    They have both been playing very well this year on grass, so either of them deserve it. =]

  7. Venus because serena has won more grand slams, and also she was really sweet with my son when she met him!

    And i think its going to be a great match! Theres nothing more vicious than sibling rivalry!

  8. I love to watch tennis not means I`m fanatic.

    I don`t mind whoever wins!

    But I guess it`s Venus....

  9. venus

  10. Venus...i have £10 on her from the she MUST win!!  i think Serena can make some silly mistakes at times..& that could be her downfall.  it will be a great match!

  11. venus. becoz  she has only 6 grandslam titles and serena has 8.

  12. my money wud b on venus because she hasnt shown anysign of weakness throughout the grandslam however serena has played amazing to and whoever wns will deserve it thoroughly

  13. Venus as she seems to be the more committed player.

  14. Neither can't stand either of them.


    Will be good to see the older win again.

    She won it twice before Serena took her crown and kept it once more but since then Venus has won it twice more and for me to be beaten by your younger sis makes you feel like she's taken over but to come back and it win twice more shows great character so as a whole I prefer Venus.

    Also she doesn't grunt as much.

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