
Who do your children resemble more ?

by Guest65755  |  earlier

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My daughter is only 12 days old & I don't know where she gets her strait hair from, but I can see she looks much more like daddy..especially her eyes. She does have my mouth though : )

How about yours?




  1. My husband is mexican so his genes came out more in both of my kids they are stronger i was told but they both have some parts of me to just look more like daddy.  

  2. I'd say your little girl looks a lot like her Daddy :)  She's beautiful and she does have some of your features too.  

    My son looks like a carbon copy of his father at that age.  He's got the same brown eyes and same smile.  My daughter looks a lot like me, with her blue eyes and she is the carbon copy of me at that age.  She does have my mother in law's features in some of the faces she makes :)  

  3. My daughter looked more like her Father for the first year, but she looks more like me now (she's 2 1/2).

  4. We have 5 children. The oldest 3 look exactly like their daddy. The #4 child looks more like me, but the baby (well shes 6) look exactly like me.  

  5. I don't have any kids.

  6. My oldest daughter looks like a mixture between my husband and my father.  But my youngest looks like my hubby 100%  

  7. I have 4 1/2 year old twins, and one of my daughters looks exactly like her dad, and her personality and everything matches.  My other daughter is all me by looks, but her personality is a good mixture of the both!  

  8. My daughter is one and is almost identical to her daddy (just a cuter version lol) I dont even think she resembles me at all.

  9. All of my children have the same dad.

    child #1: daddy's face except for the nose (and ears), that's mine.  light brown hair (we both have dark brown; mine's wavy, his is curly), brown eyes (his, mine are green), and long gorilla arms (also his).  hair at birth was black and straight, but changed as she got older.

    child #2: my face shape and mouth, the rest is his.  born bald, hair grew in blond and stayed blond; brown eyes; muscular build that refuses to get even a little chunky no matter how much we feed him (he gets that from dad too)

    child #3: dark brown hair, brown eyes, face is his except the mouth. slightly chunky, but he's only 17 months.

    I think they all look more like him, he says they look more like me.  we're pregnant with another girl, and i told him he better have made me a green eyed baby, what with all the rest having his brown eyes!

  10. my first son looks soooo much like me. I can't wait to see what my newborn looks like :)))

  11. First son only got my nose poor guy and got my wife hair. When it grow out it curls up a little which he get from the wife side of the family. He 2 and our newborn baby look more like me dark black hair with my nose and mom looks once again thank god. lol Both pretty boys!!! my HEISMAN BOYS!!!

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