
Who do your kids look like? You or your spouse?

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I heard that boys look more like mom, and girls resemble dad more often. Does this hold true in ur family? My daughter is the spitting image of me. Anytime I go anywhere people always tell us that. hehe Pisses her Daddy right off. We are now having a little boy, and hoping he comes out looking more like his Daddy. So who do your kids looks most like? Are they boys or girls?

We had 3D ultrasound pics done and our baby boy seems to have his Daddy's exact lips! But, we'll wait till D Day before we get excited. ;)




  1. neither i dont have any kids  =]

    but i look like my mom... ith my dads bid forehead and thin hair... =]

    its true



  2. well I have 4 boys, I have two who look just like their father (not my husband, they have a different biological father not in the picture)  and I feel like the other two are a mix of both me and my husband. people always say different things. People who don't know my husband look at them when they are with me and tell me they look JUST like me. Other people have said they look just like my husband. I think they are a mix.

  3. Well, both kids take after my side of the family for the most part. There's no debating that they are mine. My daughter was/is a spitting image of my older sister and everyone that saw her baby pics thought that she belonged to my sis, LOL! My son resembles my mom's side, but I see a little of his daddy in him too! :)

  4. My daughters both look like their dad. not a single trace of me

    Oh and.. I look like my dad, too.

  5. Our oldest daughter looks just like me. Our second daugther looks just like my husband. We are expecting our third child, a boy, next month. I have a feeling he will look just like my husband.

  6. i look just like my mother we literally look like twins. i have a daughter who is 9 months and is 50/ 50 u can see me and her dad some days she looks more like one or the other but she has her dads hair and eyes and my chin and lips and nose

  7. I am definitely my father's daughter.  It seems the only thing I got from my mother was her hair (but thank goodness i didn't get dad's, lol, he's balding).  I actually look almost identical to my aunt, though, and also a lot like my grandma.  (my father's sister and mother)  When we look at pictures it is like looking at doubles 40 years apart!  My grandma is 86, my aunt is 66, and I'm 20.  The resemblance is a bit hard to see at this stage, but I'm sure I'll grow to look like them over time, lol.

  8. well i have a girl and she looks just like me and my son looks like his dad but my 4 month baby looks like me but a little bit like his brother

  9. All 4 of my kids look like daddy...

    I have 3 boys and 1 girl and they deffinetly are all dad, my daughter has my ears but thats about it...

  10. dude i look like the mailman LOLOLOL

  11. i guess my husband just has stronger features all of our kids look like him nothing but him..i don't even think people know the are mine!we have a boy-3 and a girl-10 months and we are pregnant i bet you the new baby will look just like daddy too!and that is funny because when i was pregnant with our daughter i got some great pictures of her face up close and the first thing i thought was that she had her daddys lips and chin..and then she came out and the first thing i said besides asking if she had hair lol was that she looked just like him

  12. well my husband and i are at 3 months with our first but My stepson looks sooo much more like his mother than my husband. When he was a baby he was the spitting image of my husband, but now, (hes eight) he definitly is his mothers son.

  13. My oldest (girl) looks EXACTLY like her father, My second (girl) looks just like me and my youngest (boy) is a mixture of the two of us, but he favors my side of the family.  We had the 3D ultrasound with my son,  He looked exactly like the ultrsound pic when he was born!!  With my girls, we had the old fashioned ultrasounds.  We could tell theat my oldest had her father's nose from the pic and that my middle child had my profile!

  14. My son is the spitting image of his father with his lighter brown hair and dark eyes.  My daughter favors me with her features, blues eyes and dark dark brown hair.  But the children resemble each other quite nicely.

  15. Congrats.  I have son that was born on 09/25 and another son that was born on 09/16.  I also have two daughters.

    My younger son and older daughter resemble their dad.

    My older son and younger daughter resemble me.

    Have a great rest of your pregnancy.  Happy Labor Day!

  16. I don' t think it is true .

    I have a sister, but i look more like my dad and my sister looks like my mom.

    In my own family, my daughter is a spitting image of me. So i'm thinking that my soon-to-be-son is going to look like his daddy.

    But my sisters newborn son is a spitting image of his father.

  17. my 3 ninces looks like there daddy and there son looks like there mom, and my brother's daughter looks like her mom, and my other sister son dont look like neither to be 4 real people always thinks he mine we look just alike

  18. Looks usually depend on who has the stronger genetic traits- technically. However, I think its a crapshoot.

    My daughter almost looks just like me, the only difference is she has big blue eyes and mine are an odd brown/green color that look more like swamp muck than hazel. Our son looks like his Daddy with the exception of his nose, the little guy got mine. I can't wait to see who our next child (due in 23 weeks) looks like! I am a hybrid of my Mother and Father, and my Husband is the same. Neither of us looks just like either of our parents. I hope you guys get your wish and your little boy is the spitting image of his Daddy. Good luck!

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