
Who does Belgium Support in the Somalia Crisis-ICU or TFG?

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Who does Belgium Support in the Somalia Crisis-ICU or TFG?




  1. Belgium subscribes to the EU policy which can be understood as conditional support of the TFG

    The Council condemned all acts of violence and called on all parties to cease hostilitiesand engage in ceasefire, confidence building and security arrangements in the search for sustainable peace.4.The Council urged the TFI, Ethiopia and all other actors in Somalia to ensure humanitarian access, respect human rights and international humanitarian law, to protect the civilian population and to facilitate secure and early return of displaced persons to Mogadishu and other areas of origin.5.The Council called on the Prime Minister to affirm the commitment of the TFG to respect and ensure respect of international humanitarian law and to the protection of civilian population at risk. Peace cannot be built on impunity. The Council therefore called on theTFG to investigate all human rights abuses committed in Somalia and bring those responsible to justice. The Council encouraged the UN to use all available instruments to improve monitoring of the human rights situation in Somalia. The EU remains committed to enhance humanitarian assistance, provided there is unimpeded humanitarian access and respect of the integrity of humanitarian assistance.

    They really don't necessarily take a side so much but try to be a supportive voice of reason.

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