
Who does Obama think he is? Ending the war and "hugs for everyone" is NOT the answer! ?

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And this is the guy everyone wants running this country?


Pulling the troops out and ending the war is NOT the answer! Obama tells people what they want to hear!

Don't get me wrong, I feel for the familes and loved ones of our troops over in Iraq, but they are defending YOUR freedom, which isn't free. Be grateful that you live in this land of liberty and support those who are out there fighting to give you that!

Does Obama think it makes the troops feel good when they're out there with their asses on the line to defend our freedom and he's sitting his *** over here ranting and raving about ending the war and passing out free hugs to make everything better? Sorry but it doesn't work that way!

People need to get a clue! It has nothing to do with the color of Obama's skin, he is a false idol! He is telling the people what they want to hear! He is collecting his votes this way! And I don't trust McCain because he's some old white guy, he's been there! He knows what it's all about, and he has the scars to prove it! And Sarah Palin will be a refreshing change in this country!

Obama promises false hope!!




  1. You can't "win" the occupation of a country.  

    No Republican has ever been able to tell me what the definition of "winning" the war in Iraq is.  If leaving = losing to you then winning must = staying there FOREVER, right?

    If Republicans would stop coming up with catchy slogans like "freedom isn't free" and instead told me a solid concrete realistic step-by-step plan for what they want to achieve in Iraq, I might consider voting for them.  But even still, when I think about it, I think that $10 Billion dollars a month could be much better spent at home.

  2. yes

    but it hugs hugs hugs for me the purple dino

    hugs baby! '-)

  3. Gotta be better than a kick in the nuts and bombs for everyone, which appears to be what John McCain is offering.

    By the way, where the h**l do we get this ludicrous idea that a war of aggression in Iraq is the troops "fighting for your freedom"? Any more than a war of aggression in Vietnam was for the freedom of the American people. It's a war to put down an alternative ideology and ensure the cheap supply of foreign oil because the people who legitimately OWN that oil won't give it to us for a price we want to pay.

    Now don't get me wrong. In either Vietnam or Iraq, I don't blame the troops for the cynical nastiness of their mission. They're highly trained (in this case appallingly badly supported by their government) people, doing a job from h**l. But let's not turn every war of US aggression into a life-and-death struggle for American freedom, shall we?

  4. He thinks he is the Messiah. That's who he thinks he is. He's so obsessed with himself.  Our troops sign up to be in the military to fight for what they believe in. To fight for our freedom. I don't think obama has appreciation for them or what they do. My heart goes out to them and their families. But they are fighting for what they believe, and obama to wants to end the war cold turkey,... then what have they been fighting for for the past 6 years? Mccain said last night he doesn't like war. No one does. But he believes in our troops and what they are fighting for......

    All these people are so obsessed with obamas celebrity. And all the celebrities endorsing him, and his looks. Hopefully people will take a good hard look at what Obama is really proposing. He gives me the creeps and I don't trust him or his racist wife. Have any of you people listened to the things his wife has said in the past about white people??? Or the fact that obama studies muslim? And you people are really considering have this man run our country?


  5. And you don't think McCain is telling people what they want to hear? And yes, McCain has been in Iraq, but I am sure I am not the only one who remembers him walking around in Iraq ranting about how safe it was with extremely high security.  On the other hand, my husband, who is a soldier who fought on the front lines would beg to differ. So yes, I will vote for Obama to end the war.  

  6. Obama is a confusing man. And you're right, it has nothing to do with the colour of Obama's skin.

    McCain for 08. He at least has some freakin' expierence. :/

  7. LOL!

    Excuse me, buit what a load of c**p

    Your soldiers are over their to steal resources, thats it.

    Thats why you have torture camps.  Freedom has nothing to do with throwing thousands of iraqi children into your camps to be sexually and physically abused by your "heroic" soldiers.

    So please stop with the c**p.

    You are invaders

    You are thieves

    You are murderers

  8. He thinks he is the candidate for president of the United States and is offering policy that is different to your failed one.  

    You have your opinion and no matter that it is very, very wrong you are entitled to it.

  9. mcain is too old. 70+ year old? we dont wanna president that someday might collapse because he cant handle the heavy work. if you really wanna fight, join the troop.

    "when victory in iraq is finally in sight: HE wants to forfiet"

    i dont see the victory. that country is still in chaos and it's worse everyday. Oil price still goes up and will continue to increase in the future. so what victory are we talking about? i bet she couldnt even answer this question.

  10. Your right! "Hugs for everyone" is not the answer. I would like a dinner with that too.

  11. EXACTLY.  America fights back, Obama wants to pull troops...whats that gonna make america look like to those terrorists...quitters, pansies and a target fro more terrorism...sarah palin couldnt have said it better "when victory in iraq is finally in sight: HE wants to forfiet"

    or something like that, but its very well put

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