
Who does Palin's hair and where does she get her glasses...forget politics this is MORE IMPORTANT!!! ?

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Well hey, if the fellas can admire her attributes I can at least emulate this great woman so that I can RISE to power too!

After all, she is our ROLE MODEL NOW....where can Canadians get those big guns and do we need a licence to shoot at something???

Thanks I want to be just like her...I want three more kids now and am immediately going off the pill...who cares that I'm 48 and will create a few retarded kids....if I can't afford them does someone else want them? Brad? Angie??




  1. You are mean

  2. I have eyeglasses and extremely long hair that needs to be put up. Am I a role model? No, and I don't wish to be. Your attitude amazes me which such delight- this is not a political question, it's psychological. I'm guessing you had mommy issues growing up or are trying to make sense of your own life to cut down someone whom you have never met.

    I own a gun, I hunt, I provide from the Earth and the blessings it gives back when we treat her the way it should be. Downs Syndrome is a devastating trial of tribulations that one would have such integrity and courage to love that child no matter what. I have been to Alaska and know firsthand what it takes to be a survivor. I own a greenhouse and have vegetables, fresh herbs, flowers and there is nothing else like it in the world. I'd love to be like Palin, she is a true pioneer. She knows how to can her own food, make quilts to keep her family warm and secure.


  3. you cant be like her, because she's attractive

  4. You sure your not trying to be Jimmy Carter?

  5. You can't be just like her, you're ugly.

  6. You have UGES (Ugly Girl Envy Syndrome.)

  7. She looks like those FLDS compound Mormon polygamist ladies

  8. Keep your nose out of our politics, eh?

    Don't you have enough to keep you busy up in that great wasteland of yours? Surely there must be a few pot heads with mullets to keep you busy?

    As far as giving birth to retarded kids, well it looks like your mom beat you to it.

  9. LMAO! This is great! The Hillary supporters I know are very upset that the Repubs think that this anti-everything beauty queen can pick up Hillary voters who admired Hillary's intelligence accomplishments, ideas, and poise. It's so typical that Repubs only see women's outer qualities and not their inner qualities.

    And when I read Palin's info on wikipedia yesterday, it said she was "pro-contraception"! Well! That's a big relief! Because there are so many dozens of people in America who are ANTI-contraception! LMAO!!!  

  10. Well, let's see.  NO you can't have the guns, but you can marry another woman and smoke pot, so there is that.

    As far as the retarded kids, how would you tell them from your regular Canadian kids?

    And, based on the last couple of Prime Ministers you guys have voted in, I am sure you have a good chance.

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