
Who does it look like our president is gonna be at this point?

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Notice I didn't ask who you WANT the president to be, but who looks to be winning over the most voters.




  1. I dont want either guy, but my money is on Obama.  If McCain wins it will be because of some sort of drastic event or because of voter fraud.

    Obama is ahead of McCain by double digits and his recent diplomatic tour overseas had given him another "bump" in popularity.

    Wait until Obama and McCain are doing debates together and the golden tongued Obama is debating issues on television with McCain the one-man gaffe machine.

    Right or wrong....Obama is set to win in a landslide.

  2. I'm sure it will be the greater of two evils, the one who will cause the most damage over time. It could be either in my opinion, but I think it will be Obama...unfortunately.


  4. It seems that obama will be president, yay

  5. It looks like it is gonna be Obama. Eventhough I'm not a huge fan of either candidate, I would rather see Obama in office than 4 years of a george bush clone in office.

  6. Presidents from Illinois tend to be really great.

    Obama for sure!

  7. mccain according to the aol straw poll 65 % voted for mccain.

  8. according to most  die hard democrats that i speak in fl they  say ' McCain'.because one is bringing hope the other expirience, protection, drilling ,more jobs, lower gas and food prices,reasonable health care plan..

  9. I think, sadly, it will be Obama.

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