
Who does naruto marry in naruto shippuden?

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  1.  I want it to be NaruSaku. Although this is all in the hands of the creator of the series (and no one can predict what that crazy guy will do) one can not ignore the obvious parallel of Minato/Kushina and Naruto/Sakura. Hinata seems much to laid back for Naruto. She is more suited to Shino. I do think that they will name naruto Hokage eventually but in all honesty I do not think that they will ever show who naruto actually marries. As to naruto blowing up over what pain did to Hinata, he would have gone berserk like that over any of his friends. It's just the kind of guy he is.

  2.  News flash naruto has basically turned down Sakura once plus sasuke won't die he's gonna say like he did in the manga that h**l become hokage he probably won't tho I mean come on naruto has wanted to forever no way the writers would make sasuke hokage and naruto will prolly meet up with hinata right after the war with obito then they'll fall in love or something then it'll prolly do some look into the future with 16 year old konohamaru and adult naruto and hinata with like a kid or something and then end not really that hard to figure out there's like no chance for naruto and Sakura they've burned that bridge already but hinata is more deserving anyways

  3. guys i believe its naruto and hinata.nruto starts to resent sakura after lying that she loves him.naruto starts recognizing hinata and remembered what she said to him during the battle with pain.i don't think naruto dies.madara will die.sasuke won't die.i think there will  be be a 3rd part to the series.i think the writer don't want to stop it.ther will be new enemies.i think it will even be showcasing naruto's kids and the name will be changed.

  4. i think hinata will be the one who marries naruto because when i see their love story it makes me feel cry and happy

  5. truthfuly,I think naruto will marry hinata because later on in naruto shippuden hinata admites her true feelings for naruto when naruto is captured by pain then realizes he loves her,then I think sasuke will turn good and come back to the leaf village and will have a flash back of when he left sakura and will realize that he has feeling for her and will go looking for sakura and eventually get married with her while time naruto and hinata and sakura and answer.

  6. i think naruto will most likely marry hinata,while sakura will marry sasuke because well sakura is destined to be with sasuke.naruto is destined to be with hinata because when naruto is captured by pain then hinata comes to the rescue and admites her true feelings for naruto so naruto and hinata and sakura and sasuke

  7. naruto + hinata

    sasuke + karin

    lee + sakura

    shika + temari

    neji + tenten

    keeba + ino

  8. hinata of still has feelings for sasuka and thats why she has promblems.those promblems are why naruto and sakura will never happen.hinatas benn there for as long as sakura.and if naruto liked naruto that much he would have paid for the date in part two.and if naruto had only friend  fellings for hinata he wouldnt have gone 8 tails instead of 4 or 6 right after he finds out she loves him.

  9. I don't really get it. I do like to see that Naruto marries Sakura, but its always known that Sakura loves Sasuke. That the reason even why she asks Naruto to get Sasuke back. Even when fighting with Orichumaru after Naruto comes back from Kyubi form she cries that all that she can do do are little things for him, where as he is the who has always been protecting them, remembering when naruto saves both Sakura and Sasuke from Gaara. No where she feels any love for him, its just a downhearted feeling of being unable to accomplish anything. Also when she tells him she loves him to let him not to go to Sasuke, Naruto immediatley realizes it and tells the same. Still she is unable to completely confornt Sasuke as she still loves him and that is when Kakashi comes to resue. I think, in the end, Kakashi will die killing Sasuke, Naruto will die killing Tobi (whoever he is, Madara or not), Hinata dies with not much signficance in the battle, but as a good fighter. In the end everyone looks towards Sakura as she will be sometime the Seventh Hokage. Naruto never becomes Hokage when alive but is named so after his death. Like history repeats itself, the trio of Tsunade, Jiraya, Orichumaru is repeated as Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. But we might expect Sasuke to become good or have some good words at his end.

    Also expect Nruto to have some extra powers, like may be eye powers in the final battle to confront Tobi. Remember when the entire team chases to get to Sasuke, and Sasuke fights his bother Itachi, Itachi by then is in avery weekened state. Before fighting with Sasuke he meets Naruto in the jungle and sort of paralyzes him for a second and does something when something is seen going into Naruto. He might have given a huge amount of his power to Naruto with faith that he might be able to pacify his bother and bring him to right path. That is why even before the real fight beings Itachi is evry weekened and moves woobly unable to dodge simple and attacks and is also bleeding.

  10. I agree with most of you. Naruto will become Hokage and he will finally win over Sakura and realize that Sakura is in love with him. He will marry her. Hinata will probably quietly step aside and raelize that Naruto and Sakura are meant for each other.

  11. here is the real truth from reading these comments i can tell that no one has been watching the manga series.

    Naruto and Sakura

    Ino and Kiba

    shikamaru and temeri

    Hinata and Shino

    tenten and neji

    this is exactly what is going to happen according to the manga series i can tell that none of you have been reading the manga series

  12. I too wish Naruto marries Shion from Naruto Shippunden Movie

  13. i wish naruto could marry that priestess from Naruto Shippuden 1 movie. i meen she even asked him to help her make the nxt priestess at the end of the movie.

  14. I'm a big BIG fan of Naruto the series and Naruto: Shippuden. I REALLY REALLY would like Sakura and Naruto to fall in love. However after reading the first four posts stating how the series ends I don't even want to watch the show anymore. I think htis is a terrible way to end the anime or the manga. This is really making me upsets and mad. I'm going to go take a nap a sulk. :(

  15. Naruto marries both Sakura and Hinata.

  16.  well of course HINATA because she loves naruto more than anyone even sakura. do you know why it will be hinata ?    because sakura always hate naruto but all the people who says that sakura loves naruto is as a friend  because he is the only one in her team and do you know that naruto is the only one who can get suske back so sakura must loves naruto as a friend not any more. I read all these answers and i saw that some is sakura and some is hinata ,but you should  to see the episodes  maybe it will help you to see who is the one who will marry naruto

    but my answer is     HINATA HUUGA 

  17. ARE U KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! When i think NaruHina i see hinata becommming chubby and naruto devorcing, NaruSaku sounds the same, i see Naruto becoming hokage, Sakura becoming a Jonin and a great wife, and them having a baby, doesn't that sound way better? NARUSAKU 4EVER


  18. Hinata because naruto starts to hate sakura!! Those of u who say sakura stink!! It is real obvious any way that naruto will end up with hinata because when naruto loses his intrest for sakura he has to move on to a gurl he cares about ( which is hinata)! NARUHINA FOREVER!!! Peace out!

  19.  oh my god!  Naruto didn't believe Sakura becuase she was lying!  People are stupid!  Naruto and Hintata 

  20.  I think hinata is useless character in Naruto! I  hate her. the show is most likely to be end up with naruto marrying sakura because she is main female character, and she starts loving naruto and also admits it to naruto himself. The most important thing is that naruto still has a crush on sakura. As he asked her out for a date in manga chapter 245. I hope naruto marrys sakura and also becomes the hokage. hinata is more likely to end up with Kiba, instead! Of course sasuke must die.

  21.  I think hinata is useless character in Naruto! I  hate her. the show is most likely to be end up with naruto marrying sakura because she is main female character, and she starts loving naruto and also admits it to naruto himself. The most important thing is that naruto still has a crush on sakura. As he asked her out for a date in manga chapter 245. I hope naruto marrys sakura and also becomes the hokage. hinata is more likely to end up with Kiba, instead! Of course sasuke must die.

  22.  Truthfully, I believe that at the very end Sasuke will become good, and he will either die or have to marry somebody. Most probably sakura, so I believe it could go either way. 

  23.  Truthfully, I believe that at the very end Sasuke will become good, and he will either die or have to marry somebody. Most probably sakura, so I believe it could go either way. 

  24.  Truthfully, I believe that at the very end Sasuke will become good, and he will either die or have to marry somebody. Most probably sakura, so I believe it could go either way. 

  25.  Truthfully, I believe that at the very end Sasuke will become good, and he will either die or have to marry somebody. Most probably sakura, so I believe it could go either way. 

  26.  Truthfully, I believe that at the very end Sasuke will become good, and he will either die or have to marry somebody. Most probably sakura, so I believe it could go either way. 

  27. Well, HE well marry sakura because have you been watching the shows?!? He loves sakura thats why he blush's when she touchs him! He think that hinata is he close friend. As one of you said hinata is there to spice it up, and she just has a crush! Duh!

  28. Well, HE well marry sakura because have you been watching the shows?!? He loves sakura thats why he blush's when she touchs him! He think that hinata is he close friend. As one of you said hinata is there to spice it up, and she just has a crush! Duh!

  29. and for all those who say hinata would mary naruto are stupid and should get there eyes checked if they cant see that SAKURA AND NARUTO WOULD GET MARRIED AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER

  30. no way sakura is meant for naruto and they would get married that is why sakura is on the show, she is the heroine and naruot's love interest. hinata is just there for a rivial in love and that is all. So in my defense naruto will marry sakura.

  31.  naruto and sakura get married and live happy together the end so naruhina is dead naruto and sakura have so much history together shes all ways by his said no matter what

  32.  Well I say it's Hinata!! Simple as pie!!


  33. naruto is going to marry hinata cause at the end because he stars to show feelings for hinata when she gets hurt by pain plus hinata was always there for naruto supportingg him while sakura only cried for sasuke,  finally its going to be naruto/hinata and sasuke/sakura cause like that they make a cute couple and would marry each other you looneys

  34.  guys naruto marries his female s**y jutsu version... 

    i confermed it from a teacher....

  35. i hope with everything i have that he marries hinata because they look good as a couple and shes like 1000 times better than sakura!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. sorry yall but guest14155517 is actually hitting the nail on the head there so but naruto really never wanted to become hokage he just wanted to be respected by everyone in the village which he earned after beating pain so in the end naruto dies happily along side hinata

  37. duhhhhhhhhhhhh. its obvious tsunade

  38. sakura did tell naruto she like him but he didnt belive her. then sakura wanted to kill sasuke so that naruto doesnt have the berdend anymore. if you notice in the end of a  naruto shippudne sasuke name was whipped away in the sand. no matter how much hinata loves naruto the feelings that naruto have for sakura are stronger because hinata never really came out of her shell.  but know one really knows who naruto will be with but mostlike he might be with sakura but idk

  39. i think it hinata she even told him and she love him so much and naruto know that no what and hinata all by his side even when little kids and when he had probles or someing sakura love sasuke and who know may be he dose to but think it hinata it make sad if it not her

  40. hinata does die but sakura brings her back to life so i think naruto marrrys hinata

  41. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the Naruto marries Hinata. Really think about it. Naruto was always chasing after Sakura, when Hinata was always by his side and supportive mean while Sakura just pushes him away. Plus NaruHina Is the best couple. Sakura gets Saskue back and kiba ends up with Ino, while TenTen n Neji and Shika with Temari.

  42. Well sakura might end up with naruto cuz she starting to have feelings for him. hinata did love him from the beging, but she won`t tell him and sakura is more open to showing her love then the shuppuden series goes on she starts to like and loves naruto like sasuke in the beging. so the best awnser is sakura.

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  44. sakura. they will become a better couple than naruto and hinata together. like a real relationship, sometimes one has to oppose the other's actions to come up a better solution or protect that person. that's the role of sakura for naruto (unlike hinata who always supports naruto in all his decisions which are sometimes stupid and reckless).

  45. i hope with all my heart Sakura Haruno

  46. Hinata. i don't know why but if i see narusaku im feeling very sad i dont know why

  47. Sakura likely. Hinata is more likely to be with Kiba.

  48. I hoped Naruto marries Sakura.

  49. naruto marrys hinata and thats all i have to say

  50. The war almost has come to an end while naruto is going head on with madara as he stands on his fully materialized demon while the other7 with makegenkou in their eyes are trying to destroy all the villages, naruto and bee fight with their demons to tere fullest point. while the other kages are fighting evey single dead ninja rose from the dead from madaras jutsu similar to how orochimaru tried to bring all the leaf ninja kages back to life.Any ways while the other ninja from many other diffrent villages unite together to fight the army of dead the kages of the villages are fighting the passen kages of the other villages and like you sed how naruto got trapped in madaras genjutsu with hinatas abilities she took nruto out of it then all of a sudden naruto hinata and madara at the bear edge of there death sasuke who they thought was dead stabs madara and takes his eyes..while he got ino and sakura to jeal naruto and hinata .. couple seconds of later the dead started to arise backmin to hevan and the sky at 3:00 in the morning started to clear and 4th hokage, itachi, jiriya, tsunade, and the rest of the leafs kages used their power to sacrifice their selves into  the villaages to heal everyone and everything but then all the demons plus kyubi and hatchibi stand their then they begin to fuse annd go back in to the spirit world while the other half goes in naruto and hinata holds narutos hand then sasuke quietly remarks that they were ment for each other and sakura agrees holding sasuke's arm...

  51. Sasuke dies in the hands of Uicha Madara end even though he never gets to understand what he is doing is right or wrong, but with belief in Naruto he tries to save Konoha and dies. Naruto ultimately defeats Uicha Madara with the help of Kyubi as he learns to control it with a jutsu that the 4th Hokage was trying to when he died, which he discovers on his won. He is told about it by the frog that contains the key to the seal. He goes head on with Madara who controls 7 Biju with Mangekayo Sharingan. In the end he dies with his dream of still becoming a Hokage. He will be named a Hokage after he dies, but he never lives to see it. Sakura remains alone, and doesn't marry anyone. Hinata dies with Naruto in the final battle using Byakugan to its full extent trying to get Naruto out of Madara's illusion, as its also one of the most powerful eye justsu. As a final resort she puts he entire life force in Byakugan, she succeeds and dies in the hands of Naruto. Before Naruto dies he takes care to join Kyubi with its other half to make it a peaceful creature back again and summons it to go to its own dimension. Remember the 4th Hokage tells him (during his fight with Pain) that he had sealed only one half of the Kyubi, the evil half. At the end, in the last moments before Naruto dies, he thinks he didn't end up as bad as the pervy sage, he could atleast stand upto the pervy sage's dream to bring peace to the Ninja world even though he couldn't stand to his own to become the Hokage. Tsunade retires, Kakashi becomes the Hokage and he sees Sakura as the future Hokage, who becomes to be named as second generation Sonnin. She is only student member of team 7 to remain alive in the end. This ends the series NARUTO.

  52. sasuke dies sakura marries naruto kiba marries ino. rock lee dies alone and  shikamari nara marries temari

  53. hinata of course

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