
Who does testing for dysgrapha?

by Guest60342  |  earlier

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In the fall I am hoping my son will be old enough to be tested for dysgrapha. He just turned 7.

Our neurophysicoligist has told us he has "red flags" for it but was too young to be tested. The school physicologist mentioned at they end of the year he should qualitify for OT services through the school in the fall.

So my question is who should do the testing? School? Our current OT? Our neurophysicologist? Or lastly our neurologist?




  1. All of the people you listed can do it for you.  In fact, if you already have an OT, that means and assessment has been done.  Look and see if that info is current, as well as info from your neuropsych.  Talk to them and get copies if you don't already have copies.  

    For the record, in schools, he would be labeled with a Learning Disability, specifically in written expression if he qualifies for services (we don't use titles like 'dysgraphia' so don't get confused, it's the same help he'd get) .  If your school psych said he should qualify for OT, that is the service a student with dysgraphia would usually get, in addition to classroom and testing accomodations.  

    Does he already have an IEP?  If so, your school eval can be reeopened, and the school's OT will either review the data or supplement with new testing.  If you don't already have an IEP, the school can conduct an eval at no charge to you.  I still say give them a copy of your previous evaluation data, as this may shorten the eval time.  Once the eval is completed, if he qualifies for services, an IEP will be written that should include OT services, along with whatever else he needs.

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