
Who does the cooking in your house on Christmas day?

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Who does the cooking in your house on Christmas day?




  1. mum i make the dessert :P

  2. on Christmas eve my mom will make tamales for the whole family and on christmas day she sometimes makes a honey glazed ham with mashed potatoes and gravy and veggies or a Turkey.

    But I won't be hear for Christmas this year cause I'm going to Disneyland with a friend and her mom. leaving on the 23 and won't be back till the 27 but i'm gonna buy my parents some gift While i'm there. my mom says that Going to Disneyland is my Christmas present from her. This will be my frist Christmas away from my parents. But I plan to have fun. And I will call them on Christmas eve and day. :D

  3. Me. My cat doesn't have much talent to it.

  4. My Dad

  5. Myself and the hubby do it together

  6. My whole family does the cooking..its more fun that way..

  7. always my mum. and she always gets stressed ! lol i think its just cos she wants it all to be perfect for everyone

  8. My husband cooks the other 365 days of the year do u think i ought 2 for just the one day lol.

  9. It's still me, no matter how many times you ask hehehehe.

  10. We have a big family, lots on my mums side and lots on my dads, and because there ae so many my Mums and my Dads family do not meet at chrsitmas we rotate, my house, uncle and aunts, uncle and aunts, nan and grandad, nan and grandad.

  11. Mum. Used to be shared between mum and dad, but now he's gone it's just her.

  12. My mom and sister in law.

  13. me

  14. Nobody. We all go round to my Mums. I am so lucky LOL

  15. My husband and I both share in the cooking.  While one is busy making something the other one is playing with the kids, and then we switch so we both get to spend time with the kids and not in the kitchen the hole time.

  16. Nobody, we usually get a chinese carry out on Christmas eve for four people. There are only three of us, so it does us on Boxing day as well. Paper plates make the whole day totally stress free!!!

  17. Her indoors.

  18. My mum does the vegtables and that.

    My brother (whos a chef) does the extras like the cheesy mash and broccoli cheese. its lush!

  19. My grandma she's been cooking it for 26 years and she doesn't get older just better hehe

  20. I do

    My Mom did until she passed away

  21. The women do the cooking, and the men load up the dishwasher (typically requiring several loads) and scrub all the pots...

    Edit: I'm not even going to ask why I'm getting a thumbs down for that... what, do people think I'm lying or something ?

  22. I do.

  23. We share my husband & me.

  24. I will be doing it from start to finish all by myself.  Thank God for a dishwasher. lol  

  25. I stay at my aunts during christmas holiday (my parents aren't here anymore). We all chip in though.  

  26. Me I love cooking/baking.  Esp. for Christmas!

  27. It depends where we have christmas at. We have ham mashed potatoes with gravy. Deviled eggs. Stuff mushrooms cheese with crackers. Green beans with potatoes in it. Any kind of desert. Each family member bring something.

  28. My husband cooks on Christmas and I cook during Hanukah :D  

  29. My 11 year old son and the dad.  They usually cook eggs biscuits bacon

    and sausage.  

  30. My Dad use to, now I do. My mom has no love for cooking, my Dad's a chef so I lucked out.

  31. Me Please note my response to the duplicate question. Barking mad she is about guarding her position as chef on the special day.  

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