
Who does the treatment of male erectile dysfunction benefit most, males or females?

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Some people think it is only for men this treatment but to be honest it is probably women who want this treatment for their husbands and boyfriends out of sheer frustration.

So I would argue that it is actually the Government spending more money for the benefit of females!!

What do you think.




  1. I guess that within a relationship, the treatment of the man's sexual problems would benefit both partners. But I think it helps him more, because it's his body and his s*x drive.

  2. lol! no, i don't think so

    more evidence of the sheer illogicality of males


    so am i. actually there is quite a lot of evidence that many older women suffer when their husbands take viagra. typically, the medical establishment does not seem to have considered this and their selfish husbands certainly don't

    not to mention that it causes extramarital affairs and has resulted in a surge of older men with STDs


    i love the way you always resort to lame attempts at insults when you can't argue with me sensibly

  3. For me, I've found that adage to be true, that one man's frigid woman is another man's nymphomaniac, regardless of Viagra.  It's not my problem because if a man is impotent when we meet, and if I can't get a "rise" out of him, so to say, I move on to greener pastures.  In a long-term relationship, the psychological impact of a man's impotence affects both partners and etiology / interventions involve both partners.

    As for men whining about the government spending more money for the "benefit" of females, get used to it.  In the upcoming decades MUCH more money is already planned to be spent in research "benefiting" women because women, of course, got left out of "benefiting" research.  You see, men spent very very little money in ten thousand years for research to benefit women and not until the 1990's were women finally required to be included as subjects in medical research.  

    Female nutritional and pharmacological needs and responses are different than for males and women have suffered horribly in their health status due to that sexism.  Because of tort law (suing), pharmaceutical companies especially are scrambling like mad to catch up and try not to harm women so much anymore with all that male-only benefiting research spending.  Seperating female and male responses in research benefits BOTH genders and illuminations benefiting both genders since women have begun to be included as subjects are absolutely pouring out from every health related field.

  4. It's for men. We women have another option. We don't always "need a man" to get what we need. If you catch my meaning.

    I am talking about heteros as well. What I was referring to was the treatment is more for benefit of men because even if a guy is having trouble in that area a woman can always go and get a toy. So for her problem solved. Him on the other hand he would still need treatment.

    Hey whatever works . So you think playing with oneself makes a person g*y?

    Interesting so you are basically saying most men are g*y cuz most do in fact play with themselves.

    You are also implying that you either don't m********e or you are g*y if you do.

    Very interesting 222 I never knew that about you.

    I never said it should replace it. I said if something does happen that causes normal s*x to be impossible we do have another choice.  The example I used was show that the pill is more for the man than the woman.

    I can't admit something if it is not true.

    I believe I am right so how can I admit I am wrong.

    Why can't you admit that the pill works to the males advantage as opposed to the woman. I am talking about in most cases . I know many women who prefer to do it them selves due to her hubby not doing it right so for them the pill does not benefit the woman much.

    Sure it does help both sexes but you asked who it helps most.

    And the answer is it helps men more than women.


    You didnt include both as an option for an answer but even if you had I didnt include myself in the answer. My answer is based on the many women I do know and the attitudes of men when they can't perform.   Sexual excitement is not the only reason men and women want s*x.  There is a certain attitude among men who feel less of a man when they cannot perform so not only does the pill help men in terms of s*x more than women but they also have that "yea I still got it" attitude. There isnt anything wrong with it. It's just another example of why it benefits men more than women.

  5. I would imagine that it would benefit both, if both are still interested in s*x.  I would be all for it, if my husband needed it.  I have heard of some elderly women who have no desire for s*x, being annoyed when their husbands started using Viagra, though.

  6. It's for both sexes.

  7. Males.

    You do know an erection is not necessary for a female to have an o****m.   They aren't called magic fingers for nothing.  

    Why does everyone presume the government funds all medical research?    They don't.   Pfizer funded Viagra.  When other pharmaceutical companies found out they had a gold mine they found their own miracle pills.

    EDIT:  ""Well if male erectile dysfunction is the problem in a relationship then the female can't have normal sexual relations as well and the relationship will suffer so it benefits the female as much as the male....why can't you admit you are wrong.""   Its not the female that can't have normal relations its the male.   She functions just fine.  We aren't wrong- why can't you admit you are wrong?

  8. So, by your argument, treatment for breast enhancement is a male related thing?

    And women pay for it themselves!

    Hey ~ that's sooooooooo unfair, women should get some of that erectile dysfunction government money too!

    BTW ~ for me, personally, treating men for erectile dysfunction has NO benefit whatsoever, but I'm not moaning about the couple of tax dollars it costs. Let the poor old fellas have their last bit of fun. Sheesh.

    Cheers :-)

  9. Of course the treatments helps both partners, but saying it helps the woman more then the man is a stretch, at best both of them would equally benefit from a happy s*x life.

  10. It gives them both pleasure, each in a different way.

  11. Honestly, I think it helps both.  -But I think that the man should definitely consult his female partner if he is thinking of taking viagra, or anything like that.  Of course, I am speaking of instances where they are both older or elderly.  Unfortunately, men aren't the only ones who have problems w/ their sexual bits not working w/ old age.  I've read many disturbing stories about old men beating up and even murdering their wives b/c they are abusing viagra and other ED drugs, and what they fail to understand is that w/ menopause, women's parts can begin to no longer function as they used to in youth (I dread menopause!!!), and sexual intercourse for elderly women can be quite painful.

    I guess that the point I am trying to make is that ED treatments can benefit both partners, provided that both partners are up for it and understanding w/ one and other when there are issues.  For example, if the man is having ED, the woman needs to be supportive and understanding; if the woman is having trouble (physically) becoming aroused, then the man needs to also be supportive and understanding.  I would think that ED would be a horrible blow to a man's esteem, so I can see where treatment can be a wonderful thing, b/c he is not only able to enjoy nookie himself, but he is also rewarded w/ the satisfaction that he is able to please his partner.  As far as the women go, I would think that ED treatment would not only satisfy her, physically, but that it would also prevent her from becoming discouraged w/ their love life.

    Does any of that make sense?

  12. everyone benefits.....i am a happy productive worker .......the day after i make her scream and holler!....long live viagra!!!!!

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