
Who does this computer belong to? Mom doesn't pay the bill.

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My mom has terrible credit and my husband's is relatively good. She got his permission to put a new computer on his Best Buy credit card. The computer was over 1k. She pays 30.00 a month, which is way below the minimum. She loves to boast about how it is HER computer and is quick to kick anyone off, who is on there when she wants to play her games. My husband told me Best Buy is calling him weekly to tell him the payment is 31 days over due and that they are piling up fees and about to ruin his credit. She claims she pays.

I would say the computer does belong to him, and he can come confiscate it anytime he chooses. She says its hers.




  1. Why do you guys live with your mother?  Not good.

    It's his, he should repo it and if he can, return it.  I doubt your mom is paying for it.  Tell her to anti up and hand the money directly to him so he can pay the bill or the computer is gone.  Kind of like reverse psychology.

  2. You have a problem with your mum, the computer stuff is a sideline.

    I know it is early on to say this, but if your husband can possibly pay for the computer, then he should, and your mom would owe him for it.

    It is not worth him confiscating it, even if he could, as it would be worth much less than the amount paid for it, and cause unpleasantness.

    Your mom is sad and lonely, let her have the computer, then also you will not feel under obligation to her in future.

  3. It's hers. He lent her money; he is not lending her a computer.

  4. It's his.  Take it and start making the payments or you're going to have your credit ruined.

    And don't ever do something so stupid again!

  5. say WHAT??

    DO NOT REPORT THE COMPUTER AS STOLEN.  Your husband knows and consented to her having the computer, and he would be liable for filing a false report to the police.

    Hubby can definitely make it totally clear that the account IS behind, and putting his credit on the line.  In fact, it might help to point out the obvious.. YOU ARE USING MY CREDIT, it is logical that I can use YOUR computer. Depending on how much is owed.. he could go to demand the rest of the money, or the computer gets returned.

    I can also see the point of "he loaned money but the computer is hers".  Nasty, but probably true if it went to Judge Judy. And she would probably tell hubby that loaning money to relatives is a dumb thing to do.  

    Someone in the family should be able to get issues clarified to fairness to everyone.

    But stay away from stuff like falsely reporting it stolen. You'll jump out of the frying pan into the fire.  

  6. Hm, best buy has this thing for debit cancellation. If the computer ever came up stolen then all debit is wiped off. I'm not telling to do this, but it's an option.

    With that suggestion, write down the serial number of the computer or the windows key, and file a police report. Take back the computer. Once you file a police report, inform best buy it has been stolen. (if you have the cancellation debit option on your best buy card).

  7. Sorry to be blunt but you've answered your own question. Your husband bought it on his card. She's NOT keeping up payment and either needs to grow up and start doing so or loose the computer. Don't let her claim it's hers when it's not and don't let her destroy your credit record. Be blunt and if she dosn't pay take the computer away.

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