
Who does this shy girl like?

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She was one who asked for my number and email, she broke the ice by chatting to me, she gets disappointed like she wants to hang out, stares at me sometimes, smiles when she sees me sometimes, calls me and Instant messages me during the week and shows interest by asking questions. We don't chat much but she has only asked for me once when i was on holiday.

I asked her on msn "did you tell anyone we swapped numbers" she said "swapped numbers, then she said we are friends nothing more that's if you're curious lol"

I've asked her "did you miss me" she was quiet and said "ummmm thats a tricky question but i didn't miss the work"

But she was the one who said "we can keep each other company" and on Sunday she said "we should go out sometime".

The boss:

She talks to her friends about him, she gets happy when they chat, flirts with him, gives him glances, chat on msn, swapped email addresses at work, she misses him and she likes him alot.

I've heard her say "the boss needs a massage"

She always asks for him when he's not there

Who do you think she likes?

Help me out plz and tell me why!




  1. 1. Obviously she likes you... She already made the first move by asking for you digits. She smiles at you, calls you... there is only so much she can do.

    2. Why the h**l would you ask her if she told anyone about you swapping numbers? That's a "no,no" it shows insecurity..." She can talk about her boss all she wants... nothing is ever going to happen between them, maybe she is trying to make you jealous.

    3. The real question to ask here is do you like her? If you do then you should hang out. You're a man, you're supposed to show her that you're brave, not some sissy that is afraid of rejection. Even if she really does want to be just friends (which I'm almost sure isn't the case here) she will respect you for making that kind of a move and you will have a great chance to get with one of her friends after she tells them the story. Courage drives girls crazy.

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