
Who doesn't have a myspace?

by  |  earlier

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i don't and i'm 18. its not that im ugly or anything... i guess im scared of meeting new people through the internet...




  1. im 18. no facebook or myspace.

    i keep in contact with friends through AIM.

    i have an xanga, though.

  2. lol I don't have myspace. I used to. But now i use yahoo 360.


  3. What a loser

  4. I don't have a Myspace,and it's still cool if a person doesn't.

  5. ......your a liar.

    im on your top ((:

    micheal phelps and me are beeezzysss.

  6. I don't, but I don't feel like messing with it, and I wouldn't have too many people to it would be booring.

  7. not i

  8. I have one ... but not very active on it ... I can and have went months before checking it ... oops sorry family ... lol

  9. Myspace is okay. I ONLY talk to my friends from school. ONLY. lol.

  10. lol I just don't want one. I have facebook though. doesn't make much sense does it?

  11. I only have a myspace to keep in touch with my friends from school and such. =]

  12. l don't have one.

  13. I don't. Too much, too complicated.  

  14. i dont, i would but to only keep touch with my friends that move..but thats about it =D

  15. i don't; i have a 360

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