
Who doesn't have insurance?

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If you don't have insurance, please answer this question for me :)

When you get sick what do you do? Do you some how find medical care or do you go without?





  1. If you can get insurance through your employer or directly from a company I'd highly suggest getting it...If your a hard working individual one sickness/visit to the ER can break your family finances for years.

    To answer your question, many people without insurance (and don't work or make c**p) use our governments universal health care (they say we don't have it!!!) called medicaid...and they foot the bill

    To those who work and don't qualify for medicaid, many visit clinics or immediate care facilities (similar to hospitals) but the charges are much less, and they are typically not used for real emergencies.  

    In conclusion, it is best to have insurance in our great country!

  2. You can go to your local hospital emergency room - you might not get the BEST of treatment and you may have to wait in line, but, they HAVE to treat you and cannot turn you away.

    Then you "sign your life away" and promise to pay them for services. Sometimes they will take a reduced payment - based on what they would normally accept from an insurance carrier.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

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