
Who doesn't like the reality of the answers your getting?I'll explain

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I went back and looked at the answers in this section and it is me,scary right?




  1. Huh??  

    Well, I find all realities/answers interesting (provided that I'm not in an overly moody mood)--sometimes, especially so if it is ridiculing toward my own "realty" (at the moment, time, etc.)--b/c then I get to laugh at myself.

    And I guess that probably means I'm a little self-centered.....but it is funnier (at times) to laugh at yourself than at others.

  2. Hmm...Well, reality is sometimes difficult to cope with. I know that there are certain things about myself that I'd like to keep hidden, and sometimes I get stuck in a fantasy world of who I'd like to be, rather than who I really am. I guess I wouldn't say that it's frightening for me, but it can be a bit unnerving, though sometimes wonderfully amazing, to get an answer that completely pegs you. Behind the facade, there's someone that knows what makes you tick, and sometimes it can be shocking when you didn't even realize that about yourself. Of course...Too much reality is never fun....I have to have a balance, and if I find the facts are piling up too much, I revert back into my fantasy world.

    I hope I understood what you meant. ; - p

    Libra Sun/Cancer Moon/Libra Rising

  3. It can be a little 'weird' sometimes (though it doesn't happen for me very often at all)...Most people don't get me - but when they do I am usually ecstatic that I am!

    Even in horoscope section - the descriptions of signs can be very broad and vague sometimes and usually most people can feel a connection to themselves...

    In real life, it usually takes a person very similiar to myself (in many ways) that I can find an understanding with - or people usually have to know me for a good long while before they get

    And though I may be a bit weird and even eccentric at times - I prefer to be considered unique ;) LOL!

  4. I don't like reality period!

    Taurus sun, Leo rising

    I have no idea what the h**l your talking about?

  5. Okay, I get it now, but am on the run at the moment. Will be back later to give a real answer, as opposed to this one here, lol:-)

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