
Who drinks vitamin water?

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Who drinks vitamin water?




  1. I don't really drink it, but when we did have it, or when I saw an ad for it, I always liked reading the little side labels about "orange, orange". There funny, and it's like teen talk! :D



  2. I do I like Glaceau brand all of there stuff is excellent

  3. Love that drink. My favorite is the Pomegranate one known as x*x. x*x is not what you think it is. Means something different in this chase. Good luck

  4. It is a total waste of money.

    If you are getting enough water and nutrition through diet and supplementation like we all should be there is absolutely no reason to get vitamin water. It is pointless.

    At least there is a specific reason for energy drinks and sports drinks. Vitamin water, nothing. You pay extra money for extra sugar and calories for no valid reason what so ever.

    It is just a company taking advantage of the growing health conscious population who don't know much about nutrition. They promote something as healthy when there is absolutely no need for it to get you to buy it. Seems pretty successful since they are still being sold.

  5. nope  i prefer water

  6. I love it. Gives me lots of energy and tastes good

  7. Meeeeeeeeeee!

    PICK ME PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!

    srry im rlly bored......zzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

  8. I drink the focus vitamin water sometimes. It's really good.

    Propel is better for you though.

  9. I do.

    I like the orange one.

    The Dragonberry

    and citrus one.

  10. I dooo:-), sometimes

    though some of them say it gives you "energy" or "boosts your mood" Never works...

  11. not me...just drink the NATURAL water.

    it helps u survive, and hydrates u better :]


  13. I have like twice didn't like the flavor I got the second time.  I prefer powerade.

  14. well i do somestimes, i drink a lot of that and powerade...

  15. i don't , its too... how you say... UNORIGINAL

    everyone drinks that S**t

    theres nothing special about it

  16. I do!!!! I like triple x and jack fruit and dragon fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMM

  17. I drink it every day.

  18. not me....too many calories

  19. I drink Vitamin Water!!! It's really high in sugar but it's really satisfies me when I am thirsty.

  20. vitamin water has more calories and sugar in it tahn gatorade

  21. I drink it! My favorite is Dragonfruit <3

  22. I do! I love it, and I'm not into reading the labels and saying, "Oh no, to many calories." I could care less about the sugar and calories, it tastes great and I don't drink it often anyway. I like Dragonfruit and Strawberry Kiwi best of all.

  23. Me!! Its Good!

  24. I do. Good stuff.

  25. i do but i dont drink it for the energy or health or the energy boosts i just love the taste and is extremely thurst cwenching

  26. I do.

    It's goooood.

    I like the clear(ish) lemonade one.

  27. its no good. too many calories and not enough flavor.

    i prefer water and gatorade - or for energy i drink coffee or rock star punched

  28. vitamen water is pointless. just drink water or gatorade.

  29. blahh vitamin water tastes bad

    i dnt

  30. I do, but its a guilty pleasure. It does have lots of calories and sugar in it! I drink it insted of soda because at least there are less calories per ounce in vitamin water than soda. But Its not a nutrition drink!

  31. i do my favorite one is the dark pink one

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