
Who eats first when pregnant, baby or mom? ?

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I can't seem to find a real answer to this since everyone tells me one or the other.




  1. I THINK I know WHAT you are want to know if after eating will the mothers body give the needed nutrients to the mother first or will the baby get the needed nutrients before the mothers body cares for itself...the mothers body will ALWAYS take needed Nutrients first since without her body and healthy womb the baby could not survive therefore the Host Body or Mothers body will care for itself first. The baby gets what is left...fortunately women are a Miracle of Mother Nature...our bodies do protect our unborn by creating cravings for nutrients that are missing...this is why our appetites increase while assure needed nutrients to the unborn fetus

  2. It depends on which nutrient you're talking about. Some nutrients feed baby first, and some feed mom first.

  3. Well if you do not eat the baby wil still get nutrients and your body will break down reserves into sugar compounds that can pass over the placenta.

    However obviously you eat the food first - even the reserves on your body are stores from food you have eaten.

  4. Well technically the mother eats first, BUT the nutrients do go to the baby first. That's why most babies aren't born with any kind of deficiencies and sometimes mom's have iron deficiencies while pregnant. Your body is designed to protect your baby and make sure it's nutritional needs are met before yours. This is why it's important to take a prenatal vitamin so both can get the proper nutrients.  

  5. Huh?  Well, the mother takes a bite of an apple, it travels to the stomach and is broken down and absorbed by the body.  Then, the nutrients are passed onto the baby.  Clearly, the mother eats first.  I'm not sure how anyone would be confused by that.  I guess you can look at it from several different angles and use the chicken and they egg argument, but technically, the mother eats first.

    *Oh.  I get it.  Because Mom has to digest everything, she still technically eats first.  Its her body that supplies everything to the baby, so her body takes what it needs so that it can be passed on to the baby.  Nothing completely bypasses the mother so that ONLY the baby can have it.  The mother MUST absorb it first so that she can pass it on to the baby.  Now, the baby can take more than his fair share.  That's why some mothers become anemic during pregnancy.  The mother is still absorbing the iron, but the baby is then taking more of it than usual, so the mother needs to up her iron intake to compensate.  Make sense?  (Hearts in 808 was 100% correct)

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