
Who else's parents are over-protective?

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I know they mean well, but I feel like that's the reason why I'm kinda shy when I would love to be more outgoing.

I'm going to be 16 soon, and I can't go out with my friends etc. I wanted to go to the movies with my bff and my mom said no because some creep might touch us since the movie theater is dark lol.

I can't date until i'm 18, but i don't care about that right now.




  1. You do NOT want to meet my parents!

  2. wait until you are older and have kids of your will totally understand.  its a messed up world out there.

  3. You're lucky to have parents who care - a lot of kids don't have that at all.  

  4. lol about the movie theatre thing. my mother use to be like that but i guess she figures that since i work hard at school and home then i should have some free time to hang with my friends. she was so happy that i made a lot of new friends this year and i guess she is gonna let me hang with them too which is great. the movies is so safe. i once went to the movies with my friends and didn't get home til 1 AM and my mother wasn't even upset. just tell her that you are gonna have adult supervision or have her talk to your friend's mom first

  5. well i remeber wen my parents were  over portective im like a skater but my parent never let me skate or go out but i talked to dem on how everyone gonna grow pp soon i just talk to dem seriouly n they let me  

  6. Same here, but with mom. She's so freaking over-protective but i know she means well and doesn't want what happened to her to happen to me. :) At least my Dad gives me a little freedom!

  7. um, mine can be, but I love my parents to death! One of the main things my dad won't let me do, is have a myspace. I know it sounds weird, but there are pedophiles on there he says, and i do have to agree..but still.

  8. definitely mine

  9. Haha mine are worse. I'm 16 and I can't go anywhere. Their big idea of fun for me is going to the mall with THEM. But yeah, they do mean well even though it's frustrating most of the time when everyone else is out enjoying life.

  10. My mom... don't even get me started.

  11. you sound like my 15 yr old, same thing with her, i just love her to pieces and it is my job to watch out for her, i am sure your mom feels the same....

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