
Who else DOESN'T think this is normal?

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I know a 16 year old guy who has been addicted...not just watching it...but addicted to p**n, for the last year and a half and it got in the way of his relationship with his girlfriend of 2 years. He kept wanting things from her now, and he just stopped because his mom found out and put a password on the computer and took away his wii internet (which is mostly what he watched it on). I'm close to him and whenever I google it, or ask for help on here, everyone says its normal, its a phase, it'll wear out over time, etc...they all sound like cliches that never are true to me...I'm 17 next week, and I don't think its normal. Does anyone else think p**n, or being addicted to p**n (any age if you want, not just 14 -16) is a problem, or do you think this is just a phase?

And if you don't think its a phase, any way to help him or his girlfriend other than what his mom already did?




  1. No watching p**n is not normal. But yes it is common sadly enough. But it is not okay. We are NOT animals and we CAN control ourselves. Yes it sounds like he is addicted. So he does need professional help so he can learn to control himself. It is so sad that people feel it is normal to watch other people engage in what was meant to be a private act between a married couple. Just because it is legal doesn't mean it is okay. Just like sleeping with everyone you meet is legal but not okay. Self control is an amazing thing.

    And yes the more he watches the more difficult it will become to stop. So he needs all the help he can get. He needs someone to be accountable to. Someone to help him cope. I would see if perhaps a pastor at church will help counsel him and maybe his family?

    I think its great that your willing to try and help him. I'm sure he will be grateful when he is through this and able to control it.  

  2. I am a parent of a 17 year old.

    It's common - not normal!  I think there is a difference.  Alot of teenagers think that viewing p**n is a substitute for s*x - when in fact, it makes it even harder to resist becoming sexually active at a young age.  Addiction, of any kind, is serious.  I would encourage your friend to find an adult that they can confide in - to help them through this time in their life.

  3. Watching some p**n is normal. Being addicted to it is not.

    He needs a therapist. He needs to learn that p**n is not how people have s*x in real life. He should not be asking his girlfriend to act out things in p**n because a lot of girls will not feel good by doing what they show in p**n. p**n is set up for the visual effect only. Real life s*x is about how good it feels, emotionally and physically. He needs to learn what real s*x is before attempting it with a girl.

  4. It usually is a phase, but it getting in the way of his serious relationships may indicate that it has gone too far. Being addicted to p**n is a problem and can cause sexual dissatisfaction in the long run.

  5. I think that it can get out of hand like a drugs. In fact there was some show on Discovery that talked about this hormone your body gives off during the act/ viewing of s*x. It can be addicting to some.

  6. If it is affecting relationships then he has a s*x addiction and should seek help from a therapist.  But, I see nothing wrong with just viewing p**n as a liesurely activity.

  7. There's nothing wrong with p**n.   Especially at his age.  He's a guy, he's a teenager, he watches p**n ....... where's the confusion?

    Your boyfriend watches it too.

  8. He needs help.

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