I know a 16 year old guy who has been addicted...not just watching it...but addicted to p**n, for the last year and a half and it got in the way of his relationship with his girlfriend of 2 years. He kept wanting things from her now, and he just stopped because his mom found out and put a password on the computer and took away his wii internet (which is mostly what he watched it on). I'm close to him and whenever I google it, or ask for help on here, everyone says its normal, its a phase, it'll wear out over time, etc...they all sound like cliches that never are true to me...I'm 17 next week, and I don't think its normal. Does anyone else think p**n, or being addicted to p**n (any age if you want, not just 14 -16) is a problem, or do you think this is just a phase?
And if you don't think its a phase, any way to help him or his girlfriend other than what his mom already did?