
Who else HAS to wash their hair daily?

by  |  earlier

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I sure do! I didn't today and it's greasier than heck and smells. Ever since I was a youngster I've had naturally greasy hair and I wouldn't wash it for 2 days and after the second day it was all greased out so my doctor said to wash it daily. It definitely helps but it's such a burdon to wash it every single day. Anyone else like me?




  1. i did when i had long hair...

  2. yeah. but my hair absolutely stenches when i wash it as well. However, i wasnt born with greasy hair and people usually call mine "sleek" and "shiny", they used to all compliment it =/

  3. im the same...i used to be able to wash it every other day, but now i have to do it daily. i have tried a variety of shampoos and conditioners, and find the best to be the citrus head and shoulders for greasy hair. i still have to wash it daily, but it keeps it really shiny!

  4. I only need to wash my hair twice a week.  It doesn't get greasy or dry.

    But yeah, sounds like your shampoo or something.  You could even arrange a consultation with a stylist to see if they can offer any products.

  5. I don't HAVE to, but I like to, because yeah, it does get greasy. One day doesn't make it too bad though. I got used to it though, so it doesn't really bother me that I need to wash it so often.

  6. I guess i'm not really helping but i'm that same way but if I don't wash my hair every day it'll look oily and that damages my hair even more that what it already is!!hope I could help!!

  7. ehh i probably dont have to but if i skipped and then went someplace id feel so gross knowing that i didnt use soap and whatnot. soo yeah i wash everyday on school days, and youre right, it is a burden to wash everyday and then dry it and stuff. i woke up late today and ive been lazy ever since and im not going anyplace so i just skipped today :P  

  8. I do

    or else it will get greasy

    i know this is cheesy but use  treseme!

    and put your hair in a bobble when going to sleep


  9. i wash it every day no matter what.

    i just feel gross if i don't.

  10. I have i wash my hair everyday and I take really good care of my long hair so its not a big deal  for me  

  11. maybe you are using the wrong shampoo??? or maybe too much conditioner?

    what do you do during the day?? how active are you??

  12. You don't HAVE to at all. The only reason people "need" to wash their hair every single day, is if they have gotten their hair into that routine, which you clearly have. Washing your hair everyday damages your hair, as it removes the natural oils that cleanse your hair when (people that haven't been washing it every day since birth) you're on your "2nd day". If you want to try and get it onto a 2 day routine, you have to take maybe a weekend, starting from friday morning where you do not wash your hair until at least sunday night. Yes it will be disgusting, but if you want to give your hair a chance i would do it.

    Also, try to really avoid playing with your hair. The more you touch it, the more grease comes about.

    P.s different hair shampoos have different effects on people. So what might work wonders for someone, may not for someone else. Just how it is.

  13. Yes me i've tried all kinds of shampoos conditioners and treatments and none of them work every morning I wake up looks like my head slept in a chip pan. So have to wash it every single day which can be a bit of a pain but that used to it now just part of everyday life.....suppose i'm lucky i could have worse problems in life.xx

  14. I've had to wash my hair daily since i started straightening it. It gets gross if i don't. Now i use a ton of products and tease my hair and stuff, so it would be crazy not to wash it daily. Plus i just feel clean if i take a shower every day. =]

  15. Ew, I do..

    No fun at all, but I'd rather have nice, clean looking hair, than hair that looks like i fell in a bowl of bacon.


  16. I wash my hair every morning because if I don't I am very consious of it all day, because it doesn't have it's usual shampooey smell, and feels greasier than normal. I can get away with it if I don't wash it, but I just don't like how it feels when I don't.  

  17. Yes i have curly hair and the only way to detangle my hair is to wash it and comb it through with conditioner, my hair is'nt afro curly either as afro hair does'nt need washing as much, its just really thick and curly so yes i feel your pain, but as a general rule it is advised that you should'nt wash your hair every day as it washes out natural oils that are designed to keep your hair in good condition, so maybe just get into a routine of doing it once every other day, if you really cant then just make sure you use a really good conditioner to help keep your hair soft.

  18. yup i do!

    and i have to take a shower EVERY MORNING, unlike some people -like to take them at night before bed.

    i like to be clean and refreshed

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