
Who else HATES small talk?

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More specifically, I mean the old uncle something you don't even know that you are forced to talk to at a family reunion who usually says something like, "Hey, how are you? You excited for school to start? Good, good." But what they don't know is that, for some reason, in about 1975 school, while the overall cause is still good, became a bad thing.

Other small talk lines that are simply the worst:

"So, how is everything?"

"You working right now?"

"I noticed you guys sold that black car..."

And sometimes you will get the self-centered a**-hole small talker: "So, I just finished running my fifth marathon yesterday. Yeah, it really wasn't that hard, I sprinted the whole way"

There's a reason it's called "small" talk. Because it is small, unimportant, and totally unnecessary.




  1. YES!!

    I hate it too!

    I was at the dentist the other day & realized how stupid it was.

    They obviously don`t care about how my summer is going & school so why bother? I personally think silence is better.

  2. Thank god there someone out there who is honest about this thing.

    I hate small talk too. I wouldn't talk to people because most of them when asking these questions don't give a **** about what they are asking?

    And girls/cousins are just mean they just want to drop a line somewhere saying have you put on a few pounds? and stuff like that.

    Seriously small talk sucks especially with relatives.

  3. Small talk can be annoying if it leads to no where, but most of the time small talk is meant to open up a conversation, which could be meaningful if you go along with it and introduce a more interesting topic.  

  4. Me. It's actually one of my most hated things in the world and one reason I want my current relationship to be a long-term one; so I don't have to go through all that 'getting to know you' c**p again. It's also the reason why I flat-out refuse to make new friends!

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