
Who else HATES t-bars???

by  |  earlier

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so, after five years of snowboarding and using primarily t-bars, i still hate those things with passion.


first of all, i can't even get on them, i always miss about ten bars until the guy working there finally realizes that yes, i need help.

and then, while i'm actually on them, it's like suicide. the whole weight of your body is pressing on about 20cm squared of your thigh, and your calves also hurt because you have to keep them tensed up. and every five meters, i feel like i'm going to fall, thank god i never do, but seriously, after a t-bar ride i'm so freaking exhausted i can hardly shred.

anybody else?




  1. No way! T-bars are crazy but I actually kinda like em. they don't stop for some jackass who can't figure out how to dismount the chair (clue # 1 that they probably shouldn't be on any of the runs that lift takes em to). Extra points if the t-bar line does crazy **** like turns, that's always fun!

    Alwways hilarious watching someone fall on the tbar and cling on to it as it drags them to the top of the mountain! THAT'S determination!

  2. you're probably riding it wrong,

  3. i dont like t bars either i cant stay on

  4. I used to but now its not so bad.  Still they are super tiring!

  5. Haha there's nothing funnier than watching someone fall off of a t-bar or a tow lift and watching the few people behind them decide what to do because the person who fell cant get out of the way.  Haha ive seen a few people get run over on tow lifts because they fell and the person behind them was an idiot and cant figure out how to dodge them haha.  I love it.

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