
Who else agrees that a crimals mine is greater then the governments own?

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Criminals always have a good way to get in and get out

sometimes the cops kill them on the way out


thats cuz they use like 10-30 cops or swats and there are only like 2-5 criminals

I think that a Criminals mind is a smart one




  1. They are definitely smart enough to bypass the system.

    However, if they were intelligent enough, they would realize that there's more success in becoming the government's criminal mastermind who can help the police crack down on future violators.

  2. Criminal minds are what is running the government.

  3. Sure.  If they were smart, they would put their brains to good use.  There is a show called "America's Dumbest Criminals"  The rest could be put on a show called "Those who are not caught...YET!"

    Criminals are idiots who cannot hack it in the real world.  Do not give them that much credit.

    ADDED:  Didn't your mother teach you the difference between real life and television?  Movies and cop shows are sensationalized, and have no basis in reality.

  4. ive always thought about it this way. thanx to criminals there is enforcement of laws. the criminals came first and their actions cause for laws to be created. they are one step ahead all the time. The same goes for hackers they first started to hack before anyone even realized it and now there are all kinds of companies for antiviruses. the hackers can do whatever they want and get passed anything since they are the ones exploiting everything they can find.

  5. If they are so smart, why are so many caught?

  6. me

  7. Dead criminals are nice to.

    Especially if I have worked for what they stole


  8. The criminal mind is a smart one.

    They are known as Socio-Psychopathic-Deviants.

    They can devise more scams for not working and getting out of work, then you or I can imagine.

    I have found, that if they are channeled into mainstream society, they can be productive and very influential.

    But most want the easy way out and someone in Law Enforcement is always smarter then someone else.

    Only 2-3 criminals? 30-40 cops?

    Usually 30-40 gang members and 1-2 cops each night on patrol.

    Gangs and member far out number all of law enforcement by 20 to 1?

  9. i will agree with you as far as to say that a criminal has to think,before, during,and after a crime. while law is allready written which means police are like robots, following protocol to do a job where, the job description is set in stone.

  10. intelligence of the "non-idiot" criminal is probably about equal to LEO's

    smaller criminal organizations can respond more quickly to changes, and as an organization may be smarter briefly

    LEO organizations have far more resources, and those resources will rapidly swamp all but the lucky criminals

    LEO's make mistakes and are sometimes embarassed, and usually learn

    criminals make mistakes and become losers

    poor odds for criminals

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