
Who else agrees that because VP Palin was formerly part of a separatist party she is a maverick?

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Who else agrees that because VP Palin was formerly part of a separatist party she is a maverick?




  1. daisy duke is no maverick.

  2. She and the old dude are toast

  3. LOL.  Sure why not. LOL  Maverick she isn't.

  4. I'm not too sure but what I am sure about is she's a poor excuse for a mother. And a hypocrite.  

  5. Not me. It means she is a kook--and that she is not a loyal citizen of  the United States.

  6. uhmm no. I believe she is unamerican.

  7. She never belonged to that party it was her husband. Try something else you can back up with a credible source.

  8. She may actually have committed treason by supporting secession from the US.  Now she wants to be VP of the very country she wanted to leave?  Was this a lapse of judgment?

  9. palin, a cindy mccain look-a-like is not ready to be VP. she is not ready for that 3:00 am call.

  10. A maverick? She's ashamed to be American, but now all the sudden wants to be VP?

  11. She is a maverick just because she is a woman who became Governor, while having 5 children at home.  To me, that is amazing.  I think she has mad skills and would help our country in many ways.

  12. I think it's unpatriotic they wanted to leave the united states and become part of Canada, they are also aligned with white supremist groups that want to seperate from the U.S.

  13. Maverick as in Treasonous acts against the United States?

  14. did not happen

  15. She is a conservative. An honest person. An average American working mom. Does that make a person a maverick?

    She is not more of the same old Washington DC corruption and greed.

    Yeah I guess that makes her a maverick to those who love the status quo.

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