
Who else agrees that the loose change conspiracy is ridiculous?

by  |  earlier

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Yes I watched the video, and the debates the makers of Loose Change participated in. Who else agrees that its ridiculous?

They basically said that the 2 planes did not crash into the world trade center , instead they did a fly by. And that the people inside the planes are all still alive.

Who else is tired of this nonsense about 9/11?




  1. i am sick of it for one, WE ALL saw what happened, if our goverment did this then why did muslims do the happy dance in iran and iraq after it happened, and why is bin laden happy to take the credit for it..

    many things don't add up it will never change the fact that 3,000 people are dead

  2. I never seen a conspiracy theory that I didn't like.

  3. yes, i totally agree that this theory is ridiculous. regardless of if the government or terrorists did these attacks, many innocent people died and that cannot ever be changed.

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