
Who else agrees with me?

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why did cm punk get a push like that before jeff hardy?

hardy has been their longer and has proved himself more than cm crunk.




  1. Yes, I've been thinking that for the last few weeks, CM Punks been there for what - 2 years? - And he gets the WHC.

    Jeff Hardy has been there for about 10 years and doesen't even get one main title, Apart from the royal rumble in the singles match with Orton but that was only using him to push Orton which I don't mind but c'mon, Hardy has risked life and limb for the wwe and his career and get's nothing really.

    So he made a few mistakes, Who doesen't ?

    He deserves the WHC/Wwe title soon before his injuries get worse and stuff, I mean he's already got a ton of injuries, He's probobly in his prime now so they need to stop pushing guys like HHH who have had so many title reigns previous and they need to give guys like Hardy a title.

  2. Hardy had a push early in the year. However, with recent drug issues Hardy isn't a solid option as a champion other than a lower level variety. I think that he may be used in a feud with his brother for the ECW championship in the future.

  3. I agree 100% with you. Jeff should definitely get the push. He's amazing and perhaps a future wwe champ

  4. Actually, Jeff Hardy was meant to win Money in the Bank, until he got suspended. So, they decided to give CM Punk the push instead. If they really were unhappy about CM Punk getting it then they would have had him lose the briefcase.

    Jeff was meant to win it and he would be WHC by now IF he hadn't of got himself into the s*****r. If Jeff stays clean and proves to WWE he is worthy of another push i can see him getting his first world title in 18 months. But that is only if he stays clean and doesn't take unprescribed pain killers - the thing which cost him Wrestlemania and missing 60 days of action.

  5. jeff hardy deserves a huge boost him and kane i mean how much longer do you think kane is goingg to be around and shawnMichael'ss is so close to the end of his career he is set to retier at WM25 with taker because it is both of there home towns andpersonallyibelievee that jeff hardy has done so much for this business and for his fans that he deserves the boos and matt hardy would be nothing without jeff so i agree with you

  6. Hardy should have been World Champ by now but he was suspended because of using drugs.If he didn't get suspended, he would winMITB and evertually become World Champion. I was waiting for that moment but it never came.

  7. Ask whoever writes the script.

  8. as much as i like punk, i  have to agree. jeffs been more comitted and done more for the WWE to deserve it.

  9. Cause CM Punk can stay off of drugs and out of the wellness program.

  10. Jeff is unreliable. Simply that. If he hadn't failed the drug screening he would be champ right now. Jeff screwed Jeff.

  11. Dnt get me wrong im a big fan of jeff hardy hes my favourite wrestler!

    Bt wen jeff hardy gt suspended 4 60 days bcoz of banned substances he lost his place in money in de bank, a place dat was givin 2 cm punk!!jeff hardy was goin 2 win money in the bank bcause wwe sources let it slip so it was all over the internet!!so ifhardy had not of gt suspended he wd probably b wwe champion bt cm punk gt jeff hardys push !!

    I hope jeff hardy wil get a major singles title push again because he joined the wwf wen he was 16[havin 2 lie bou his age bcz he was 2 young] and he is now 30 almost 31 havin spent the majority of his career wit the wwe!!

  12. u obviously dont understand that if hardy didnt get suspended he would have won money in the bank and would have played punks roll  

  13. uh, maatey

    he had just come out of the closet, soo it ended up being a misplaced and dismantled judgement of hardys behalf.

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