
Who else also envy brangelina ??

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If we could be making as much money as them we could adopt all those children looking for parents out there... We have 2 bio children and we are obligated to stop procreating because of unsufficient finances, but we so dream of a big family and adopting children would be awesome!!

If I was Angelina Jolie, I would do just that, Angelina you rock!!




  1. I think they are doing great as parents! Weather having biological children, or adopting, the kids seem to be good kids.

    Before any of you start bashing her, why don't you get the truth. Many of you say she should be giving money to these countries. And she is! She has donated more than you have!

    So the next time you want to bash her for supposedly not giving funds, ask yourself, have you!

    Also, read some of her interviews, coming from her own mouth on how she and Brad raise their children. Get the truth before you talk, and lie, and make yourself look like an idiot!

  2. she's a ho and he's a mutt

  3. No thanks.

    If movie stars stopped buy 8 different million dollar mansions and living so extravagantly, they could end world hunger and poverty.

    They sound pretty self-indulgent to me.

    Again, no thanks.

  4. The Duggars? They don't even raise their kids. They use the older ones to do the parenting for them while they keep reproducing. The other children can't even have a childhood because they are busy playing surrogate parents to their siblings. Its unfair and very selfish of them to have as many children as they do.

    Explain to me how thats better.

  5. i despise her.  she buys other women's kids!  why the h**l doesn't she donate money to these poor women and allow them to KEEP THEIR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD????

  6. I look up to the Duggars more the the BRANGELINA family..

    their kids are out of control. I jsut seen recently where the nanny came forward and admitted that their kids run wild...they let the kids choose wut the eat and end up making something different for each child..thats non sense...

    and their kids run free and do wut they want without any disapline...

    these kids are going to end up like the SpEARS and Hilton...and LOHANS...and everyother family likes these...

    they are worthless horrible parents...

    Money doesnt make it good...just becuz they have cash doesnt make you good parents....

  7. I am not at all jealous of them, in fact they rather disgust me.

    If I had that much money, I would spend it on improving the countries that need help rather than taking their children...

    ETA: If finances are preventing raising more biological children; how will you afford adopted ones? Are they some how less expensive?! (I'm curious to know how much you know about what adoption entails.)

  8. I have to say that I really admire that couple.

    How many people are in Hollywood and move a finger into helping others.

    The thing is adoption is not only about the money but also time and effort you can put into it.

  9. I envy LOK (lots of kids 6+) and sometimes I even envy some TOK (tons of kids 10+) families, wether there biological or from adoptions. I wish I had the money to finance and care for a load like that. My sib always jokes that I don't want a family, I want a residential school. LOL.

  10. I look up to all the unknowns out there that work very hard to make a difference in a child's life....they come from all walks of life, all colors, shapes and sizes. You do not have to be an affluent celebrity to help children. There are so many ways to help. Big brothers and Big sisters programs. Mentors, teachers, relatives and parents just to name a few.

    Kudos to anyone who has made a difference in a child's life!!!

  11. I'm not jealous of her adopting children at all.

    But I will admit, I am jealous of the fact that she is having twins.   I would love to have twins!!

  12. Do I envy them? No but I would love to have a family like theirs someday a mix of adopted and biological children. Also note that Angelina kid’s birthparents are all deceased. I guess people would have rather had young Pax grow up in an orphanage where he had been since he was an infant.

    They both donate money to a lot of things that are important to them and help out in 3rd world countries.

    Shiloh is defiantly not left out that is silliness; I see photos of them with all 4 of their kids all the time. Its clear no one is be favored.  

    Its also nice that they have the money that when the kids are older they can go and visit their native land, probably once  a year if the kids want to go. Not to mentioned all the other places they will get to go.

  13. i think they are foolish

    its great to adopt and give kids a good home, but i think they are taking on too much.

    i find it hard to divide my attention between 2 much les between 6 and maybe even more?

  14. i don't envy them nor am i jealous of the situation.  none of us really know whether they have good intentions or not, or if they are fulfilling their own needs through adoption.  what bothers me is that they have all those small children that they constantly move around the world so that they can fulfill their humanity work.  i think it's noble of her to want to do that and to be so devoted but when you have children you should be providing stability for them.  they need stability and consistency while growing up.  i think it is very selfish of them to drag their children around the world to fulfill whatever charity needs they have.  they should just settle down in one spot and raise their children to have a normal life (or as normal as can be given their celebrity status).  i believe those children will be pretty screwed up with the chaotic lives they lead.

    i also don't agree with the way that angelina jolie really puts her adoptive children on a pedestool over her biological child, just because that baby was born into her status.  well they are setting her up for emotional issues by their attitude of teaching her that she's not good enough for her parents because she wasn't adopted by them.  

    it really just looks like they are collecting kids like it's some kind of sick hobby.  i wish the paparazzi  would pay more attention to parents like reese witherspoon or maggie gyllenhaul who actually put their lives on hold to raise their children.  that's what being a parent is.

  15. I do not envy them. They seem like they are adopting only to boost their own ego and status. They have this "Look at us, we are saving these poor children" attitude. Then they parade these kids in front of the paparazzi to show the world what good people they are. And then when they are out of the public eye, a nanny is raising these children, not "Brangelina".

    Actually it kinda makes me sick!!

  16. That's all fine and good if you want to adopt, But as far as Angelina is concerned it's pretty dis-concerning that she favors the adopted kids over her own kid Shiloh. I have a problem with that when you can't even treat your own child with respect and give her attention. I think it's sad Shiloh is always left out and with more and more kids, she will be even more lost in the shuffle. It's also disgusting those children have no structure and discipline. Do I envy brangelina... No!!! I Pity Them!!

  17. Wow ok alot of jealousy out there. Does anyone also read all the things about Brad and Angelina going to other countries and helping people or anything like that? Guess not. They help people alot. I dont care if they are celebs or whatever. Adopting is a good thing. I have known many children who lived in orphanages and lived in foster care. Do any of you know how hard it is to not have a family? How hard is it to feel that rejected? Guess not. Shame on all of you for your degrading words on anyone who adopts!

  18. On the one hand, I envy them for their position - they can continue to adopt and have biological children, and provide everything those kids could ever dream of having - which any parent wants to do for their children.  I try not to get caught up in celebrity hype, so I take those headlines with a grain of salt; but I know while kids are fantastic, it takes alot to give them all the time, affection and nurturing they need - and there's two of them, and in a few months there will be 6 kids!  That's a stretch for parents who work and have other commitments.  I hope that the magazines are wrong and they are truly devoted and involved, for their sakes and the kids.  I believe that they both support charities at home and globally to a very generous extent, so they aren't just focused on  adoption; it's nice to see that they do their part all around.  Again, we don't know the real details, and probably never will, but on the surface they seem to be doing more good than harm, but that's only my personal opinion.  I wish I was as financially secure to adopt as easily as they seem to, and in that one regard, I totally envy them.

  19. i do the same.

    share Gods Blessings.

  20. I don't envy them at all. It's not so much a sacrifice when you can just hire a nanny per kid and not have to do much except take the credit. It's good for the kids that were adopted they have a better chance but regular parents could do just as good of a job. It's just too expensive and hard for the average person to adopt.

  21.'s "awesome" to take children from their parents, their homeland, their culture, everything and everyone they know, to meet YOUR need to be cool?  Um, ok.

    ETA:  Mara, I think you're seriously misinformed about adoption.  First, I'm not jealous.  Look at my source line.  I'm ALREADY adopting, but I'm choosing to adopt children who need homes, and I'm choosing to not take them from their families of origin in order to serve my needs.  Why would I be jealous of someone who feels the need to help themselves to other people's children, take them to a foreign country away from everything they know to be raised by and with strangers?  That doesn't even make sense.

    I do hear a lot about the things Brangelina actually DO to help others, but it seems that they believe they are helping these children, when they are in fact harming them.  Some of the things they do are helpful to others, yes, and I commend anyone who does service work that helps others.  Adopting children does not fall into that category.

    You said, "Adopting is a good thing."  For whom?  The adoptive parents are the only ones who truly gain from this arrangement.

    You said,  "I have known many children who lived in orphanages and lived in foster care. Do any of you know how hard it is to not have a family? How hard is it to feel that rejected?"  So, are you suggesting that my children, who I am going to adopt through foster care, spend their lives being grateful that I took them in?  Sure, it's hard to not have a family.  That's why we're doing this.  But adopting to fulfill your own desire for a family (and in the process, ripping a child from everything s/he knows) is not an act that deserves praise, especially not by the children who have lost so much.  Foster children in Oregon will find a family one way or another, whether we adopt them or not.  Even if they stay in foster care until they age out, they will make connections with people who are important to their development.  

    My involvement in the adoption triad doesn't need a pat on the back - and neither does Brangelina's.  Matter of fact, theirs kinda deserves a sucker punch, just to wake them up to all that their kids are losing in order to fulfill their need for beautiful babies.

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