
Who else believes that the United Nations is irrelevant?

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Who else believes that the United Nations is irrelevant?




  1. Irrelevant to us and the most corrupt organization in the world. Can someone please get us out of the agreement with them that we have to take all the refugees and so refugees?  Why don't they make a stand for decency in their own d**n countries...our forefather had to fight for our rights and now countless cowards want those hard won rights handed to them.  We need these kinds of people like a hole in the head.

  2. I DO

  3. United Nations is a futile organization that only serves the interests of the US and its allies.

  4. The entire population of New York City...for starters.

  5. The people and countries dont like order in the world.

  6. The United Nations became a Useless Nothing when it fall in the hands of the Soviet block. Now the worlds worst dictatorships use it as a propaganda tool. It is irrelevant today. It should be dissolved or reformed.

  7. The United Nations is a brilliant concept that has sadly fallen victim to corruption and the lack of power to enforce (national soverignty) decisions and international law.

    The United Nations needs to be reformed, yes, but once it completed this reformation, it has the potential to be a major help in ending world hunger, poverty, and disease (WHO, UNAIDS). Granted, it can't undergo this change without substantial international support... the fact that the United States has not paid its UN Dues in over a decade is rather disturbing. The United States critisizes the United Nations for being a failed goal, and yet we do nothing to improve this.

    The United Nations is, at its core, an amazing organization. Changes need to be made for us to remember this.

  8. The USA does NOT have the legal right to move the UN out of NYC. That land was PRIVATE land from the Rockefellers given to the UN when it was formed in 1945. The UN is a great org which does alot in the world that is never discussed. They do alot for 3rd world countries!!! (more than the usa will ever do!!!) And please dont give me that c**p about "it's the UN's fault for the Rwanadan genocide", b/c it was not. The USA and UK vetoed a resolution calling for troops to go into Rwanda and stop the genocide, but no Clinton fucked up in Somalia and was too scared to go into Rwanda.

  9. They are irrelevant and this is problem is worsening.  All the organization seems to do is comment on events.  It has great difficulties implementing solutions and this is causing a decline in credibility.  Maybe it is the corruption, maybe it is the bureaucracy, but positive change is needed.

  10. I think it's just fine....................As long as we are not a part of it and they move HQ out of NY and to Paris.

  11. Just people who don't understand what the UN does find it irrelevant.

  12. I agree with Joe, but move it to Germany

  13. Being an international organisation it is fine and highly essential institution in the modern world .

  14. Solar Power Socialism could  replace much need for it.  The U.N. can be made relevant. There have not been as many people to volunteer for it as there have for the regular armies. There are many citizens in the U.S. who talk of protection from possible tyranny from their own Government  by possession of guns but have not checked into the possibility of whether they themselves could protect people other than themselves  in other parts of the world by going on Peacekeeping missions even to supply their own weapons if none are there. Many  U.S. citizens could have gone to Rwanda to help stop The Genocide there even with personal weapons. Romeo Dallaire did say that with suffiecient means he could have stopped it. Well where were The Citizens of The U.S.A. To make The U.N. work would require many more volunteers. Those who would suit such a mission could then provide the means out of their own pocketts.

  15. I agree move the UN out of NYC and move it to some European country.    I am sure the wussies in France would welcome all the members of the UN with open arms.

  16. The United Nations sucks ***.

    America is a part of it and will always be.. deal with it.

  17. I speak spanish so try not to get angry because of my spelling.

    i believe that they are now irrelevant but that would be relevant in another country . It is anoying to see that the location of this organization is in a country where nations are not unifyed. USA is always involved in a war, it doesn't care for any country unless it has petrolm it has the largest number of nuclear weapons, and the United Nations does nothing to stop that but yes to Iran. JUSTICEE; EQUALTY! United NAtions move far away from USA, it lower the image of the whole organization and shows once again that the united nations is an utopia.!!!

  18. If the UN wants to help third world countries, that's fine.  

    My problem is when the UN tries to tell the USA what to do.  None of the UN leadership is elected by American citizens, therefore would be undemocratic, un-American and dangerous for our liberties to follow their rules.

    The USA was a founding father of the UN, not it's child.

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