
Who else besides me think that...?

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NASCAR racing is a huge waste of gas?

Seriously? If they would stop racing the 12 cylinder cars for 500 frieken laps, then maybe gas prices wouldn't be so frieken high...




  1. It's just you.  I gather from your user name that you like baseball.  Doesn't it take a little gas for all of you baseball fans to attend a game?  That seems a like a waste to me.

  2. Oh come on.  The cars are averaging  4 to 5 miles per gallon.  What's the big deal?  Not bothering me one bit.  Maybe you should go bother someone else.

  3. Once again, I'll give warning-

    Run my friend, you and the other person that posted a similar question are about to get a verbal beat down!!

  4. How do you think ANY athletes in ANY professional sports gets from city to city? Some form of transportation that uses fuel!! Plus, all of the fans that travel to ANY sporting event. Plus, any driver who has EVER driven anywhere that isn't ABSOLUTELY necessary for their well being. Hm mm, I guess everybody in the world is a huge waste of gas!! If you aren't riding a bicycle or walking EVERYWHERE you go, then you are a HUGE waste of fuel too!! Maybe we should all just shoot ourselves in the head and end it now for the sake of fuel prices?? Also, ROTF, LMFAO over you saying they drive 12 cylinder cars!!!! So, to answer your question "who else besides me"? Only the stupid people my friend, only the stupid people!!

  5. No...its a fun and cool sport...and besides they are using unleaded fuel.

    I would like if NASCAR would find a way to convert to electric but oh wells.

  6. It's 8 cylinders, enought said, I don't care, I pay for my ticket.

  7. This coming from a person who loves watching guys swing a big piece of wood. I applaud you.

    How do you think they get to game to game? They sure don't ride bikes.

  8. 43 cars times 500 miles divided by 5 miles per gallon.

    About 4300 gallons. Include practice and qualifying, say 10,000 gallons.

    Football game.

    100,000 spectators X 50 miles divided by 20 miles per gallon.

    250,000 gallons.

    Stop football. Also baseball and soccer. Probably rock concerts. Los Angeles has to go, people drive too far to work.

    Would it work? An average NASCAR race probably generates something over 10 million dollars for the economy. So it's costing you 1000 dollars to save a gallon of gas.

    You could make public transportation free instead. A lot cheaper way to save some gas.

    A lot of things sound good until you actually do the numbers and see the data.

    Oh, and the oil crisis is real. Oil comes from unstable countries and the price is sure to get really expensive because of demand from places like China and India.

  9. me!

  10. lol bestanwser..... get off the board douch*. I've explained this before, its not nascar or anything else like that its the fact that our country leaders wont negotiate properly with our gas dealers like the saudi's. if they dont lower our gas prices then we should start boycotting trade with them to teach them a lesson.

  11. My vacation last week= Drove 400 miles to Branson MO.

    and rented a speed boat. Came back Wednesday, jumped in the SUV and drove 100 miles to go 4 wheeling and ride ATV's for 3 days.

    Tonight= It's test+tune night at the dragstrip. I gotta run. I have'nt even loaded up the car yet on the trailer.........

  12. Hey who got to first base this week was it exciting?

    I know IT WASN"T. Now go back to your sissy game RE-RE!

  13. Go back to baseball and get a life!! how can you blame NASCAR for gas prices? They have nothing to do with it!! your an idiot!!

  14. Another one a few clowns short of a circus.  Uh yuh yuh.

  15. Most definitely. There's no meaningful purpose since they just go round and round for hours burning precious gas. Races in general that burn fuel is a total waste.

    People who like nascar are easily entertained and they get mad at these types of questions.

  16. Its not the NASCAR drivers fault that gas prices are so high, its the price of the crude oil that determines the price, NOT NASCAR, They just use it, and obviously they can AFFORD IT!!!!!! Also they race a different kind of fuel than the gas we use in our everyday cars so it definately taking that into account doesnt affect the gas prices.

  17. thanks for the 2 points tard

  18. Maybe if you could frieken spell you wouldn't be so frieken stupid

  19. With the flood of questions like this lately, no, you are not the only misinformed person out there. If you want to put racing fuel in your personal car and s***w it up, be my guest.

    We can't even use the fuel that they put in their cars for our personal cars!

  20. putting gasoline in a vehicle made for motorsports is the best use of gasoline. And it's fun.

  21. No sorry I do not think NASCAR is a huge waste of gas.... come on....seriously :-) But maybe if everyone quit driving to baseball that mights save some gas...j/k

  22. With all the chemical additives and ingredients in racing fuel, it's doubtful that very much of it even comes from crude oil. The amount of oil actually used in Nascar racing for the fuel is probably ridiculously small, but anyone who thinks any car used in Nascar has a 12 cylinder engine is about as smart as a bag of hair, so you might not understand the concepts involved.

  23. troll

    thanks for the 2 points though

  24. To bad Nascar is the BEST!!!!!!!! Baseball BORING!!!!!! GO 48

  25. so NASCAR is the reason we have high prices, not the specualtors, other countries demand for more and oil companies record profiteering...geesh I did not know that...loser

  26. Yeah, NASCAR is the reason behind the spiking gas prices.  It actually has nothing to do with anything else, just NASCAR.  

    Oh, but wait... Hasn't NASCAR been around for years and years and years???  And I, myself, can remember when I started driving gas was only 89 cents a gallon.  And that was only 13 years ago.  

    You need to actually think about the question you are going to ask before posting it and making yourself look stupid.

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