
Who else can't sleep with these high winds ?

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I am feeling extremely exhausted after the 3rd night of high winds in the UK My neighbour one side of me has just put up a new fence one side of me and the other neighbour has a shed door thats been banging open and shut constantly for the past 3 nights! I just cannot sleep properly as i'm a light sleeper anyway ! I've tried the radio trick to try keep out the banging but that just makes things worse so looks like another night atthe pc screen then up at 7 with my five year old :-( Anyone else having similar problems ?




  1. me i know how windy! i feel not relaxed with them 2 unsettled really bad here up north hugs hun x

  2. I like it windy.

  3. no winds here, i just cant sleep!

    that sounds pretty bad for you! poor you xx

  4. me!!

  5. It was really windy yesterday... haven't noticed it myself today on the south coast.

  6. It's terribly windy in the US!

    Yes, I HATE winds! And even worse than clanking of fences, I have a HUGE tree next to my window that SCREECHES every 2 seconds! CAN'T SLEEP. =(

  7. You can just go to your neighbors and ask them to do something.  If you don't want to do that then there's really nothing to do becuase you've already done the radio trick.

  8. stacey, i live in simi valley, ca, and we get santa ana winds that are very strong and they fan these huge fires out here.  Just be glad you don't live in a hot dry climate.  But, try turning a fan on to drowned out the noise.  And for sure, go and say something to the neighbour, they may not know that the shed door keeps banging open.

  9. its pretty windy here in pennsylvania, US..........but i can fall asleep

  10. i can't sleep either, i feel slightly miserable with the weather so that's why i am on y/a

  11. I live in the Clyde Valley in Scotland with no neighbours so don't have your problems with fences and banging doors. You should let the neighbour know that the door to their shed is banging. They may sleep on the side of the house away from the noise.

    When we lived in Glasgow we had lots of high winds but I got myself a good pair of ear plugs and that did the trick.

    Hope you get some sleep soon.

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