
Who else can't stand these kind of people?

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The kind of people who are always happy. Just an interchangable gladness that they make obvious to everyone around them. They always laugh every time anyone says anything, and even when they're walking somewhere by themselves they always have a smile (how do I know this. I saw one of my classmates when she thought she was alone, grinning away!). These are usually girls, but not always. I don't even think they're real humans, because normal human beings have diverse emotions! They're life can't be so much better than us into being over-joyed! It's annoying! I have to deal with two different girls and a teacher that are like this all the time! Does anyone else feel me?




  1. I have to admit i'm kind of like that LOL. Sorry i always laugh at every word someone says and it's uncontrollable that i find everything funny. But yeah that's just me. But i don't always walk around with a smile since that's kind of weird i just drift off and daydream so i look "blank". I don't see anything wrong with those kind of people since they're just very positive and at least they look friendly/outgoing and approachable. When people are happy it makes me happy so no i don't get annoyed =]

    On the other hand if i saw a guy like that i'd be freaked out haha.

  2. I am certainly not like that, but don't hate cause you can't relate...

  3. Misery loves company.

  4. ....

    Some people, i guess, get really upset at that kind of thing. I don't really blame you. but isn't it called having a positive attitude? some people like that characteristic.

  5. they're fake and probably go home and cry, I hate 99.9% of people so yeah I feel you.

  6. I know exactly what you mean. I'm guilty of that myself at times. That's because sometimes when I am feeling bad or depressed, I still have to smile and make things seem ok. I feel if I approached a person with a frown on my face, it would also make their day bad too. But you do have some people that feel that life is so grand and that everything around them makes them happy all the time, but it's no so. When these people get behind close doors, they take their "mask" off their face just like they take off their clothes. People like that are full of themselves and are fakers. They pretend that nothing goes wrong and life is so smooth, it's a lie. For me, when I'm around people like that, I go along with the program too, but also I keep my distance.

  7. Yeah, I agree. Maybe I'm just being bitter, but I don't think that people should be that constantly cheerful. It seems fake.

  8. believe me, they are exhausting themselves. mind you, those who are always miserable and who suck the energy out of you are even worse.  

  9. "Don't happy"

  10. Our UPS lady is like that, everyday she comes in chipper as can be smiling away...I think she secretly gets back in her ups truck and flips out to herself. Like have you ever seen the movie "waiting"? the waitress comes out to the table "would you like dessert" the customer says "ice cream w/ chocolate syrup" waitress says "mmmm that does sound good doesn't it" and as soon as she turns to walk back to the kitchen she has a total meltdown.  

  11. Yes, I HATE these people!

  12. Nope I sure dont.

    Why shouldn't a person be happy, yeah there are bad times and alot of times we tend to focus more on them then when we have good times.

    I figure if we are not ill, have enough on our plate, and have shelter then that is all that matters. BE HAPPY :-)

  13. I know what you mean i would say its a frunt  

  14. Yes it makes me want to KILL. I had a girl like this in my maths class last year RAGE RAGE RAGE  

  15. maybe they're just really happy and positive people. it's sad that you have to make it a bad thing. sometimes a smile and a warm greeting puts me in a better mood. or when my friend is in a really good and upbeat mood i get happy too. and it's a good thing when something good and genuine is passed along to other people.  

  16. Maybe they're just happy people.  It doesn't mean they think they're better than you.

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