
Who else can't wait for B-Hop to lose to his 2nd "white boy" in a row ?!?

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Homey needs to hang'em up. He was the man but he's done for now. Pavlik will be his last fight!




  1. Yeah he is done washed up

  2. Its not a big thing all this" White Boy "  Stuff...

    Yeah he is from phily and says he comes from the hood and thinks he would lose the respect he made  over the years.

    Its a tough city and you no his back ground....

    so he came out with this    "a white boy wont beat me"

    stupid but thats all. tyson has done this and lots have mostwont say it but will be thinking it white and black.

    So he made the fight happen on that alone..

    i was at the weigh in at the MGM for the Hatton and floyd in dec 07.

    so there is about 7000 hatton fans there plus a 5 man BAND all  singing still pissd up from the nite before. they could not fit in not enuff room no seats..

    what happen next  Lennox Lewis comes out on to the stage

    then it was barrera turn to go up he got a bigger cheer than Lewis did.... next was enzo  then JJM he to got big cheer then mosley came out we was  singin his name.....he loved it,,

    Then its hopkins turn to meet the fans... this was before all the white boy c**p and the paper talk...

    Well the place went mad booing B-HOP...  the band starts the fans  off playing "" hopkins is a p***y hopkins is a p***y nar nar nar nar nar nar hopkins is a p***y,,,,, so on""    

    & "" bernard hopkins is a wannker is a wannker"""" bernard hopkins is a wannker is a wannker""

    he must of been thinking  the fan would love him.  like the rest of the boxers and sing his name....

      they didnt take to him?   instead they start   taking the p**s out of him.....but it was a joke bit of fun

    well he has never had anything like this done to him before he was gettin mad but he stayed there so give him that...  i think he sort of liked it tho the bad..

    you should of seen the other boxers  

    mosley was laff his head off they it was funny all of them

    they loved it. they never seen this before ... as barrarea and all most top boxer who put a show on when they fight so when they come to the uk they are loved bad pitt no boxers are the big stars they are loved some say its a racist place the uk its nothing like that not at all also the football game we fight with the police and fans im 28 and go to united as my team and when they say they have riots makes me laff as you may of see an old video in the 70s or 80s but they are  safe we have no problems  the best in the world. i wish they did have them..

    so when they come here they say we are the best boxing mad

    when ring side watching the fight the MC will point them out and 20 .000 or 30.000 or 500 fans get up and show them respect  they stand up so they can be seen or go in the ring

    and we will show them our respect sing out there name

    well this will not what happen in the usa... tyson walks in the ring they cheer him..... holyfield make his way they was booin

    him then after 6 round the same fans are now holyfield biggest fans you cant do that....sellout  its like a rocky 4


    so the band was playing B-HOP NEW tune it was funny then he starts doing his X playing up to  the fans taking on the bad guy role... now

    joe c comes out then they start going head to head but not stright away only when joe gest the band playing again ... b-hop is a wannker.....

    then oscar came out to a hugh cheer..

    buy this time the fight had to happen as soon as b-hop shown

    his face that day the fans made it so it was a done deal....

    So you would be mad if you was Bhophe got shown up made to look a mug  but it made the fight..

    but what he said its a fact how meny before him said this ??

    it happens alot "this white boy  wont beat me"

    but it was nothing joe milked it a bit.

    i khow black fighters say this not all but its no problem  does not mean you are a rascit as im sure white boxers say this...

    maybe he should not of said it but it  made him look daft in saying it and getting beat...

    if joe said it then its not on same tip and its a problem..

    1st i like kelly and looks the part but i see what you see

    but he done f**k all yet ....2 with taylor

    next to these name he may bee as big one day but you cant beat taylor and your a star buster beat tyson taylor was not tyson class but kelly is a super star now.... i use to think you had beat 5 or 6 top pros but seem you only need to beat one now....

    so why is he better than these.


    R W Wright

    joe c



    juan diaz

    s peter

  3. dude i love your ? me personally can't wait everybody is underestimating Kelly again and once again Kelly will prove to all the critics again that he is the real deal god when will people learn not to doubt this kid this kid hits like a freight train B-Hop hasn't got a chance against Kelly everyone i talked to thinks Bernard is going to get inside on Pavlik well we will see when Pavlik hits him with an uppercut or a body shot and we will really see if Bernard can take a punch because to me Bernard hasn't faced an opponent with this kind of pure power Bernard has faught Tarver, Taylor, Calzaghe,and Dela Hoya all witch is weaker than Pavlik so to your question yes i can't wait for that white boy to beat Bernard's *** so it can just shut everyone up and Abraham, Calzaghe **** Godzilla bring em all and Kelly will make them all pay and for you erictravel for you to say we take pride in seeing Kelly in his prime beat up an old back guy in hopkins **** yeah i take pride because i seen black fighters beat up white guys all my life what there can't be any good white fighters god get over it i aint racist far from it i just think people are stereotyping white fighters and now everybody wants to hate on Kelly's success because he's white and i'm sick and tired of hearing it and keiren27 don't even get me started on you so your calling Jermaine Taylor a bum the same bum that beat B-Hop twice and as for Calzaghe  being the champ for 10 long years who has he faught in those 10 years if you say Jeff Lacy and  Mikkel  Kessler i'm going to puke they are both bums and then Joe talking all that **** after he beat that kid from the contender show Kelly would have destroyed that chump in 30 seconds so why don't everybody get off Joe Calzaghe's junk as far as Calzage's chin it hasn't really been tested yet but we will see and as far as Kelly not having a chin did he not get up after Taylor knocked him down did he not get back up to Knock out Jermaine oh i must have imagined that i think Bernard don't know what he is getting himself into and on Oct 18th the world will witness Bernard's 1st ever defeat by KO and thats that i can go on all day but i will end it with that

  4. BHOPS GONNA GETT BATTERED, who has Bhop fought and beat?

    de la hoya moved up weight, so did Tito

    only guy he fought in primes was Jones jr and Taylor and he lost both!

    Bhop tries to put people off with his silly actions like he did against trinidad with the flag and joe with the racist comments, he doesnt think before he does things

  5. WOWWWWWW, this is incredible. Now we dont even have to talk about the fighters, we are just talking age and color? This is hysterical.

    Point one: Calzaghe, at any point in Bhops career, would have given Bernard the blues. His workrate, his awkwardness, and his chin. IN FACT, as Calzaghe would have been the larger man in Bhops prime.

    Point two:...Ummmm, didnt Calzaghes workrate get cut into a third than his usual? AND didnt he get dumped on his *** by "the old man"?

    Big point: Bernard Hopkins CAN beat Kelly Pavlik. This is a fact. You compare them as if they are the same, they arent.

    Calzaghe has been a champion for over a decade, Pavlik hasnt.

    Calzaghe is an awkward fighter that slips and slide, Pavlik stands straight up and walks in.

    Calzaghe has speed and a chin, Pavlik doesnt have either.

    Calzaghe has been baited into some wars with crafty fighters before, Pavlik has NOT. Do not tell me you are going to compare a dumb *** in Jermain Taylor to Bernard Hopkins.

    Kelly Pavlik's money is in being able to fire straight arm punches down the pipe, leaning on his front foot. Very similar to Tito Trinidad. If Bernard closed the distance and turned the fight into a fight in a phone booth, he could very well snot the youngster and rather easily.

    Not to mention, the obvious. This will be weight jump number TWO for Pavlik, in one year. Bernard has been sitting up there for awhile. Dont think thats going to play into his favor. Its not as easy as you think carrying twelve extra pounds around a ring for twelve rounds when you arent used to it.

  6. Sorry to disappoint you but B-Hop will beat Pavlik. He has the perfect style to make Kelly look bad. Hopkins will win by SD.

    To my man James B below, I would be happy to take your money because I'm telling you this is going to be an upset. Hopkins, even at his advanced age is still crafty, still has a good chin, and still has good defense. Pavlik is a good fighter but he easily gets hit and he is slow as molasses. His power won't be a factor because of Hopkins' chin and defense, and Hopkins will hit Kelly with lead right hands all night and keep him off balance. You can forget about Pavlik landing tons of power punches on Hopkins like he did against Taylor and Miranda because Bernard is too slick. Even a fighter like Joe Calzaghe, who has a much higher work rate than Pavlik, couldn't hit Hopkins consistently.  I'm not taking anything away from Kelly because he's a good, young unbeaten fighter, but I base my picks off styles, which is what boxing is all about, and Hopkins' style is not good for Pavlik.

    This fight kinda reminds me of Larry Holmes vs. Ray Mercer. Everyone was expecting the younger, stronger, powerpunching Mercer to blow the aging, well past his prime Holmes away in a few rounds but Holmes' style was all wrong for Mercer, and he got taken to school. The same thing will happen to Pavlik, just watch.

  7. Pancho, I'd be willing to make a very large wager with you about that.

    Both in their prime, BHop would have won, barely.  He would have taken a decision, but his face would have been marked to the point of not being able to make racially insensitive remarks.

    Pavlik has his prime aheaed of him, and BHop is well past his.  To be sure, Pavlik will make a fair number of mistakes, but BHop does not have the speed and reflexes to take advantage of it.

    Pavlik has the power to make this look like a very very sad end to one of boxing's greatest careers.  But all good things come to an end, and I am glad that Pavlik will be the one to end BHop's career.

  8. If there is anyone who can knock B-Hop out, it is Pavlik.

    Bernard is too old to be a great fighter.  Age steals a fighter's reflexes, and it was obvious in the Calzaghe fight that Hopkins was not the fighter he once was.  In his prime he would have made the powder-puffer look like an amateur.

    It's unfortunate that Bernard made that "white boy" comment.  That diminished him as a sportsman.

  9. you seem to take pride in seeing a prime white fighter beat an old black fighter, as if it is some form of validation....i wonder if you would be talkative if bhop was in his prime.

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