
Who else can't wait for palin to be vp since then pelosi will finally have to get over herself?

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I mean she does consider herself the most powerful woman in politics and if palin gets vp do u think pelosi will finally get over herself and stop blocking over women from achieving political success?




  1. Why would Pelosi change?

  2. Hillary's gonna be gunning for Reid's job too, so she will be challenged by Hillary even more.

  3. I agree

  4. Pelosi will be downgraded like she deserves. Women have found a new champion for their cause and small towns all over the country will flock to Palin's support.  Obama has only shown contempt for rural america and puts his emphasis on Americans becoming like Europeans. Guess he forgot we always have to protect them since their social programs have destroyed honor and responsibility. I'm already ready for her to become President and block both Obama and Clinton from ever getting to the white house, unless invited.

  5. Oh, I agree. I think Nancy Pelosi jumped on the Obama and Biden bandwagon (she pushed for both) because Hillary in any of those two positions would usurp Nancy's title of Most Powerful Female Politician in Washington, and she just couldn't have that. I think a McCain/Palin win would sure put a twist in her knickers.

  6. Here Here!!!

  7. Being speaker of the house isn't insignificant... I don't care who the VP is.   I'm not sure why you think the two are somehow connected.

    What happens when McCain/Palin loses?

  8. Pelosi who???

  9. I can't wait for Palin to start crumbling the moment she has to face the media and Joe Biden at their debate.

  10. Did you know that Pelosi has 5 kids to, of course not, because no one should even care!! I can't wait for Palin to tear into her like a Pitt Bull with lip stick.  She already told her were she can shove her bridge to no where!!!!

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