
Who else cant stand adverts??

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i cant stand them, whenever i watch one i wanna kill the people they are soo stupid!!!




  1. yh there really rubish and cheap and the man who talks is c**p as well every time i watch one of those pathetic adverts i get really  annnoyed and change channels lol

  2. i hate them

  3. Yes, they make me feel violent too  

  4. Yeah they are pretty c**p!

    That pathetic "cactus kid" one is worse though

  5. Heh, I work in debt collection for a bank, trust me, there are people out there who only understand financial matters when talked to like a baby. Think of it as social Darwinism eliminating all the silly people in society by slowly bankrupting them with outragious insurance quotes...

  6. very patronising, like the majority of adverts on tv now, that use baby talk as if you're five years old. tesco do the same

  7. I hate them. The people in them are so annoying. my favourite advert however is the Morrison's advert with Richard Hammond in it :P

  8. Here here!

  9. YES!

  10. they are driving me crazy - i hate them

  11. me too. can't even afford proper props

  12. They really are annoying! :)

  13. Yes, I hate that "" as well.

    Also those Injury Lawyers For You ads

    I turn off the sound

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