
Who else cant stand when you order out and the person on the phnoe has an attitude?

by  |  earlier

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i called pizza hut, and they tell me to hold (s****. voice) and 10 mins go bye so i hang up. and call back and their its you again?!

im like i just called and was on the line forever. i was trying to be nice as possible because you never bite the hand that feeds you.




  1. and they never clean the potties in their bathrooms either

  2. i cant stand it. and i know just how you feel. it bothers the heck out of me

  3. ah, don't worry too much about it. they're getting paid minimum wage and hate their jobs. their attitude is ALL they have.

  4. They probably spit on your food. Don't eat it.

  5. in the word of mishell tanner "how rude"

  6. You actually called back? I figure that if they kept me waiting just to order, they're probably too busy to deliver my food in a reasonable time.

  7. that when you go to the place and f**t in the manager's face

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