
Who else cant stnad this Jonas Brothers c**p?

by  |  earlier

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I cannot stand them, thier clothes, thier voices, they r just the male mily cyrus




  1. I agree with you a 100%

  2. I hate them completely.

    They are so dumb.

    I don't get it.


  3. hahahahahahhahaha


    your cool.

    I don't like them either but guess what I do? I ignore them.

    That works perfectly for me. you should try it.

  4. I can't stand them, the people who are obsessed with them, OR this question.

  5. it doesnt bother me at all and if you were a little more mature, it wouldnt bother you either.

  6. Um

    I can't say I agree with you

    But I do acknoledge you

    for not saying you hate them

    You can dislike them all you want

    Their music, style, voices..

    But you can't really hate them

    You know?

    But Whatever

    You're entitled to your opinions!

  7. *raises hand* *gives you a cookie*

  8. Look, i'm sorry, but I don't see why everybody hates them.

    Grow up, and be mature. STOP HATING! Look, they're 3 normal guys that have the world watching their every move.

    If I had a dollar for every complaint I've heard about them, I'd be rich:

    -They're g*y

    -They're girls

    -Their music sucks


    LOOK, when the day comes that YOU have to tour around the world with your brothers and perform in front of millions of ppl every night (One of them with type 1 diabetes!) and have to put up with half of the world hating u, LET ME KNOW!!

    OK? So for now, I say you all be quiet and stop being so mean! Geez, this world can be soooo mean!

  9. *raises hand* OMG! They dress all funny, their hair is out of control. Oh, but the little Jonas obsessed fans make me laugh. They think that they'll marry the boys, and have to stick up for them in any situation. The little teeny boppers make me laugh.

  10. I agree.

  11. me too! haha, you should go read my last question.

    I say that everyone who hates these Jo Bros unites!

    We should keep posting Q's about how bad they suck, or make up some randomrumors about them so everyone can just hate them already. lol, idk.


  13. It cann qett annoyin cuz dere not de onlii celeb boyz in da industry derez chris brown

    corbin blue

    Lil Wayne


  14. i like their tight pants

    and the jonas brothers are male?

    wow i thought since they wear makup...........

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