
Who else cant wait for twilight to come out in the uk?

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omg i have read the 1st book in the twilight colection (twilight) and cant wait to get the other 3 next week and i know the film is coming out soon and i am finding it really hard not to go poking around the internet for the film or bits of it coz i just love it so much

i cant wait for the movie to come out in the uk it comes out the day before my bday yey

is any 1 else as excited as i am i have read the book 3 times now and find my self shocked at the turns each chapter takes and find my self thinking that bella would get out and home safe but it never happens every time i read the book its as if i havent read it before but know what is going to happen

any 1 else as excited ad me for the movie

and any1 else had the same feelign or simular reading the book?

(love it)




  1. I'm actually dreading it, I read the books on holiday and my boyfriend wants to take me to see the movie because he knows how much I enjoyed the books.

    From the trailers I've seen, they've ruined and/or changed lots of the plot i.e. in the book bella is attacked by james and then edward finds her, in the film, edward appears half way through the attack and tries to fight james.

    I hate it when movie makers change plots of stories to make them into better movies, the books would be great movies the way they are, they don't need adapting.

    Can't wait for the fifth book to come out though, should be brilliant, shame they delayed it because it got leaked.

  2. I cant wait either! Im so happy that it is coming out three weeks earlier now Harry Potter has been postponed. Hopefully it will live up to my high expectations!

  3. Oh yes, I too love it. Harry Potter was the only other series I had both read and seen, and I thought I wouldn't meet another book series that would get me so hyped but I have found another in Twilight. It is so exciting, and I like Alice, plus many others, I can't wait for the film :)

  4. Haha yes Twilight is got to be the most magnificent book i have ever read and i get as exited as you when even the slightest news about twilight comes out (starts hyperventilating  and twirls in seat ^^) i cant imagine when the trailers air tv >.< I think they will do a gd job with the film as they have to acheeve the expectations of its masive audience, in my opinion the cast is also good!

  5. mememememememememe !!!!

    I LOVE IHHHH !!!!!

    OMG ! youur like my twin girl.

    Laves x


  6. meeeeeeeeeee =]

  7. As a keen astronomer, I always await twilight with eager anticipation.

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