
Who else cried when Hilary Clinton stepped aside?

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Whhhhyyy!!?? We are all screwed now.




  1. I AGREE and many many many other people do as well.  Did you see the faces in the audience?  We are left with a man who  respect but wouldn't want as president, McCain and another man I don't know because there is so much covered up about his past and he seems to be just a great orator, not a leader.

    It is a sad time, we need someone great right now and neither of these candidates are great, Hillary was.

  2. She did well!  Obama will do us all good. The world will be in great hands now!!!

    I cried when Michelle spoke but I got a huge smile when Hillary actually handed over all the delegates..It took lots of guts ..

  3. It was extremely sad to see our candidate declare herself out of contention, but the Democratic party is more important than Hillary.  If Americans want to continue farther into the abyss created by the current administration, by all means, cast your ballots for McCain.  If we want to abide by Hillary's intense views and firm beliefs that we can be better than that, Obama will lead us in the right direction.  In fact, a President Obama would be wise to nominate Clinton as Attorney General or better yet--the Supreme Court.

  4. A tear fell but then it gave me more resolve to vote for Obama. She was PHENOMENAL last night. She told all her supporters basically a vote against Obama is a vote against me and what I worked for.

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