
Who else doesn't like their grandparents?

by Guest63444  |  earlier

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Grandparent 1: Stingy Old Man who has piles of money but mooches off of other people and pretends to be poor.

Grandparent 2: Racist old Lady that hates my mother and myself because I turned out too dark.

Grandparent 3: Crazy old sailor with hypocritical views, multiple families, and a belligerent nature - he is the only one I remotely kind of like.

Grandparent 4: Sneering old judgmental lady that doesn't like me because I am not religious and I "corrupt the youth."

My Parents turned out similar to their parents...

And I think I might end up in one of those categories... brutal cycle isn't it?




  1. Its not exactly INEVITABLE that you end up like that, just so you know.

    As for how i deal with old people like taht. I ignore them while confidently knowing im a good person.

  2. I love my grandparents.  

  3. i love my grandparents...i only have 2 because my dads side died before i was born...this makes me feel mad because its like your not even great full that u have grandparents some people have never met  there grandparents,,if it was`nt for them u would not be here today...even though there hard to get along with make the best of it there not going to be here much longer..

  4. I have one grandmother left, and I love her to pieces!!  She is very sweet woman who gets along with everyone. I am sorry your grandparents are that way. That is very sad.  Just try to show them respect and count the days until you are an adult and can have your own life. Remember, character  is not hereditary!!!  You can be your own person without being like them!!! Just use them as an example of how NOT to act! =) GL!

  5. I love my grandparents. They're like the core of my family. I've never met the ones from my mom's side, but I've met the ones from my dad's side. They pissed me off sometimes, but it's because I'm not so patient sometimes.. haha. They've taught me alot and I've already seen my grandma pass away. It was really, really heartbreaking. I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my grandpa, now. Just think about it, you'll probably be a grandparent one day also. Look at people who aren't so nice per say, as motivation to be better.

  6. Idk whats wrong with your family...but i absolutely love my grandparents..

  7. the only "grand parent" i dislike is my fathers mother

    she has made my life living h**l since i was 12

    she would hang up on my friends when they would call me

    she would slam the door at my guests

    she would give attitude to everyone of my friends

    but i gave her a taste of her medicine and now we are at war with each other. we live in the same house too!! sad but true no one likes her, not even her son (my dad) I HATe HER

    hahah yeah funny  cycle bc i somehow feel i am turning like her haha so sad

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