
Who else feels bad for people in New Orleans?

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i feel bad for them, because they can't seem to catch a break from hurricanes.




  1. I feel bad for them........ BUT I also feel bad for the people in Mississippi that were hurt by Katrina & people in Florida hurt by other storms. I don't think it's FAIR that N.O. gets all the attention but at least their leaving this time which is what they should have done 3 years ago.

  2. I feel bad for the kids of people who haven't gotten a clue that they need to relocate and let the sea reclaim N.O.  We met a family like this in Orlando this summer.  They'd lost everything in Katrina and were still in N.O..  The kids were telling me about what their house looked like, all the flooding.  Now their parents are putting them through this again.  We moved right before Rita and Katrina and would've been in that mess.  Before it happened, we'd been talking about how N.O. was a hurricane magnet.  I don't know anyone here in FL who thinks rebuilding N.O. is a good idea.  We live in a coastal city, too, but if we were getting hit repeatedly, we'd get a clue and move.  They are below sea level, and it's time to admit defeat and stop asking for our tax money to rebuild, because the U.S. can't afford to foot the bill.  I'd rather the federal funds were spent helping relocation efforts.

  3. The entire State of Louisiana, everyone in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and the Texas Coast.  NOLA was not the only place hurricanes make landfall and is not the only area affected.

    In spite of the fact that you think all anyone wants is publicity.  

  4. i agree to get hit by another devastating hurricane after katrina has to suck

  5. I feel sorry for the honest ones who are struggling.

    I do not feel sorry for the thugs who came to Houston after Katrina and spent their FEMA money on strip clubs while whining that they needed the rest of their lives free of rent because they couldn't help themselves.

    Everywhere that has had a horrible disaster manages, after a month or so, to help themselves yet, the worst of the NOLA refugees expect a free ride the rest of their lives while driving Houston's crime rate through the roof. How many Houston residents were killed by Katrina refugees?

    And how on earth did that idiot Mayor Nagin get re-elected after he handled Katrina? He was such a pathetic failure during that horrible time but the residents re-elected him. That is asking for a repeat disaster. He just told his constituents to "get their butts out of here"; how professional!

    Anyway, like I said; yes, I feel sorry for the good, honest ones but the others can keep moving past our homes.

  6. I feel bad for anyone caught in the middle of a natural disaster - like in Iowa and the flooding, or in China with the earthquake.  My brother says they should move - New Orleans is built below sea level and no one should live there - they should expect problems when hurricanes come and the hurricanes hit there every year.  

    BUT honestly, every state in the nation has some type of terrible weather part of the year - I live in Colorado and we get blizzards, my brother lives in Georgia and they get hurricanes - the midwest gets tornadoes and flooding, the east coast gets earthquakes.  You really can't live anywhere without some type of nasty weather, so how can we expect people to just leave their homes for that reason?  They would just be moving somewhere else with some kind of bad wheather.  

  7. not me.

  8. They could view it as a surprise vacation!

  9. Thank you for the kind thoughts!

    Some of the answers are appreciated and some are heartless.

    It does appear Gustav will go ashore to the west of New Orleans and the city will probably only get some wind & rain.  That does simply mean others will lose their homes, so it isn't really 'good news".

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