
Who else feels like they have been pregnant forever? Any tips for a first timer?

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I know I'm only 34 weeks, the baby is measuring 36 weeks.

I am just losing it! I want to have her already, and hold her!

I mean I'm also so uncomfortable, I don't sleep at night! Like at all!

I'm waddling like a ducky! ha ha I feel so much pressure, I hate the braxton hicks, because they get my hopes up sometimes.

Now I'm nausea's and everything seems like a symptom of labor.

I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining, I'm really not. As bad as all the aches and pains are I still am happy for going through this. Its a happy time!! I just want to meet her!!

Any tips that could help me get through these last weeks?




  1. yeah honey its ok to feel sick of it its a long time. im 36 weeks and im ready to go whenever baby wants to come i dont even know the s*x yet and thats hard, but you know what you deal with it. this is my second. best to go as long as possible though as babies lungs are still getting stronger everyday. wait it out you'll be glad you did.

  2. I'm 39 weeks 5days and I'm soooo ready. I'm measuring about 42 weeks already. My baby has past the 9 pound mark too.

    I know how you feel, I've been ready for a while now.

    Good Luck with everything!!!

  3. i had my baby 3 weeks ago today!

    I remember the last couple weeks i just kept thinking i was going into labour every day- thinking THIS will be the day, and waiting for my waters to break (in the end they didnt break at all!)

    its great not being pregnant any more but hey - you've only got a couple weeks left, trust me - try and enjoy them, get your hair done, a massage, go to a day spa, etc, do things you wont have time to do when the baby gets here.

    By the way, Alyssa is a beautiful name.. (i named my new baby girl Alissa hehe)

  4. Yes! I'm 33 weeks and just want to meet my lil man more than anything. I've been blessed with an easy pregnancy but now it seems like I'm not progressing anymore. Time is at a stand still. I'm in the process of moving so maybe once that's over I can concentrate on decorating the baby's room to take my mind off of my anxious waiting.

  5. I am 37 weeks and 5 days and we have a c-section planned for the 10th but I just want her out!  She seems to like to bang her head off my bladder and it hurts.  I have been thru h**l and back with this pregnancy and I want to meet the little girl that makes it all worth it!  I dont remember much before 30 weeks, and I choose not to!  But now im so ready! Her room is ready, her bags are packed and so are mine!  We named her Riley Katheryn.  She has a 6 year old sister that doesnt understand why we had a baby shower before she came!

  6. ok I have felt that way since about 32 wks I am soooo over being pregnant I wish he would just hurry up and get here the last few weeks seem to go on and on and on and seem like they are never ending....I have had eveything ready since 34 weeks (everything washed , hospital bags are packed and ready and everything is set up ) so to answer the question YES lol the first 2 trimesters went by sooo fast now they are dragging by try to keep your self busy and get as much rest as possible because the further along you get its been harder to get as much rest as before GOOD LUCK

  7. Shoot. I've been ready since I was 34 weeks too, and now im 41w1d....he's late, ahhhh its driving me nuts!!!!! I especially hate that every little pain I have I think am i in labor? And then...nothing.

    It'll be over.......someday.....

    Good luck!!! And congrats, thats a cute name you picked out.

    We're naming our son Ethan.

  8. im 33weeks and feel the same d**n way i cant take it anymore i broke down last night cuz its just so anoying i cant take it. It feels like time stopped. Only thing i have never goten threw out pregnancy are braxton hicks so i guess im blessed with that one lol, for some reason i dont feel them

  9. I'm only 13 weeks and I feel like I've been pregnant forever!

    Congrats and Good Luck!

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